Published on 10 May 2019

You’re almost there.
You have checked the weather forecast and will be going for a big bowl of pasta on Saturday night.
But, whether you’re a first time 10K challenger or a veteran at the race, how can you make sure the day goes without a hitch?
Here University of Sunderland Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics and Performance Analysis, Dr Bob Hogg, who is also a triathlon coach, gives his top tips on making it through Sunday in winning style.
In the last week reduce quantity not quality
Every good runner should "taper" during those final couple of days in the run up to a big race.
That means you run less and rest more during the last 48 hours.
I know the idea of training less can seem almost counterintuitive – but it will be worth it. In the last few days it is the rest – rather than the work – that will make you strong.
Practice drinking in training - try to drink not sip so as to keep your stomach active
Hydration remains hugely important on the day, so you should aim for between 500-1000ml of fluid per hour. Plan ahead and don’t forget to keep the fluid flowing.
Don't use new kit
New trainers are a big no-no. It’s a classic mistake. Splashing out on some fancy Nikes for the big day only to find your feet are in agony 4k into the run.
Be sensible. Use tried and tested kit and avoid blister/chafing problems.
Do a warm-up walk/jog and then some dynamic stretching before you start
Most runners understand the value of warming up before a race.
The warm-up primes your muscles for peak performance. Best to keep mobile during your warm up rather than static stretching

Remember your sun cream, (yes, even in Sunderland)
You might not (and probably won’t need it) but better safe than sorry. It’s especially important for the head, ears, nose and where your shorts ride up and your socks fall down!
Think before you energy drink
Don't have a gel or energy drink in the hour before the start of the race, a couple of minutes before you start is ok if you have practiced it in training, otherwise, stick to water.
What if it’s a cold day?
One cheap option is to wear a bin bag on the start line. It will keep the heat in and it means you don’t risk having to dump the expensive Adidas top halfway through the run.
Start off at a pace where you can talk - then slow down
So, you’ve been training for a while and the frenetic energy at the start of the race could prove irresistible.
The gun fires and off you shoot like a rocket into space. Think. Slow down. By 4K in, you might be regretting it.
Don't assume the distance markers are exact!
Human error can creep in and it’s possible your GPS tracker might not match up to the markers. Don’t panic – best to be prepared and leave some reserve in the tank.
Keep moving as you cross the finish line
Don’tbe tempted to fling yourself onto the ground after achieving your goal. Stay active. Keep the body moving and stretch as soon as you get space to do so safely.
And the bonus tip is simple.....
Enjoy yourself.
It’s supposed to be fun so make the most of what should be a great day.