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Case Study

John Howe

Sunderland, UK

Graduate Teacher Programme (now PGCE School Based)

John Howe, headteacher at Seaburn Dene Primary School, completed the Graduate Teacher Programme (now called PGCE School Based) and credits where he is today to our flexible teaching style.

I was a mature student who wanted to change careers and needed a course that would allow me to work, support my family and study all at the same time.

I worked as a journalist for many years and, after starting a family, decided it was time for a career change. The course at Sunderland offered me the chance to do that, while at the same time, still working to support my young family.

I am now headteacher at Seaburn Dene Primary School in Sunderland. I progressed from being a newly qualified teacher, to teacher, to Deputy Head, to Head.

The best aspects of the course were the attentive tutors, good links with schools across the region and a strong support network. A piece of advice I'd give would be to take the leap of faith, to not be afraid and realise that without risk, there is no reward.

Without Sunderland’s flexible teaching style I wouldn't have been able to make the career change I wanted to in my mid-30s. The opportunity to do this changed my life and I am now in a career I love, working with inspiring people every day."

Published 4 July 2019

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