Short courses

We provide short courses and continuing professional development (CPD) to individuals and businesses in various sectors to meet their training needs and facilitate growth.

Two students walking through the library with books laughing together

The Sunderland Skills and Inclusion Programme (SSIP) funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

The University has been awarded £2.56 million from the ‘People and Skills’ priority of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme to lead a consortium of training providers, delivering fully-funded training in Sunderland. 

The Sunderland Skills and Inclusion Programme (SSIP) will offer Sunderland businesses and employees the opportunity to access our fully-funded courses spanning a range of subject specialisms and disciplines, including one-day masterclasses through to accredited courses.

Businesses and organisations are also able to access bespoke courses for their employees. For further information about working together to create a tailored, business-needs-led course, email

UKSPF Masterclasses

Lots of NHS documents and forms piled together

Advanced Enterprise Leadership

This short course empowers middle and senior-level enterprise leaders with the advanced tools and strategies needed to excel in today's business environment. The course gives participants a chance to confidently navigate complex business challenges, drive innovation, and ensure long-term organisational resilience.   

Find out more about Advanced Enterprise Leadership
A person speaking while pointing at a screen

Authentic Leadership

Understand what makes effective leadership in the workplace. Develop confidence and satisfaction in your role. Realise your potential as a leader to further benefit your business.

Find out more about Authentic Leadership
A person presenting and pointing at a board while a group of people watch

Coaching for Leaders

Explore coaching in the context of business leadership. Understand the coaching process and the importance of setting goals. Develop your existing abilities and qualities that will make you a successful coach.

Find out more about Coaching for Leaders
Group of students sitting outside on giant deckchairs

Creating LGBTQ+ Inclusive Spaces

This masterclass is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to create safe, affirming, and empowering spaces for the LGBTQ+ community.

Find out more about Creating LGBTQ+ Inclusive Spaces
A student working with a laptop while taking notes in a book

Digital Marketing

Develop effective digital marketing skills. Understand your objective and create a focused plan for content creation. Implement your knowledge to help your organisation and progress your career.

Find out more about Digital Marketing
people sitting and working around a table with laptops and notepads

Fostering Equity and Inclusivity in the Workplace

In today's diverse and interconnected world, fostering inclusive spaces that celebrate and support all individuals is essential. This half-day training course aims to provide participants with a foundational understanding of equity and inclusivity in the workplace.

Find out more about Fostering Equity and Inclusivity in the Workplace
Roker beach

Introduction to Climate Change and Carbon Footprints for Businesses

Understand how your business is affecting climate change and how you can address it. Consider the emissions your business produces and learn how to begin reducing your carbon footprint and operational costs.

Find out more about Introduction to Climate Change and Carbon Footprints for Businesses
Two computer science students sitting at a computer, looking at something that is on the monitor

Introduction to Cybersecurity

Understand the world of cybersecurity. Explore fundamental concepts and practical strategies that you can use to safeguard your digital life. Challenge yourself and improve your knowledge.

Find out more about Introduction to Cybersecurity
A person presenting to a room of people

Introduction to Project Management

Develop your knowledge and understanding of project management. Understand the roles of good communication skills and timing. Learn to apply project management techniques to build and enhance effectiveness in your workplace.

Find out more about Introduction to Project Management

Health courses

A group of nurses attending to a patient in the mock hospital ward

Academic Recognition of Continuing Professional Development

The aim of this short course is to recognise, give academic credit for and promote Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The course will enable any healthcare professional to utilise their own clinical experience, to gain academic credit and development at Level 6. It is suitable for all registered healthcare professionals to apply.

Find out more about Academic Recognition of Continuing Professional Development
healthcare professional assisting a patient in a wheelchair

Advanced Clinical Management of Chronic Disease

Develop the ability to critically analyse, synthesise and review care decisions in relation to chronic disease management. Discuss, debate and review alternative approaches to care delivery. Meet the medico-legal requirements for advanced practice with teaching of ethical and moral principles embedded.

Find out more about Advanced Clinical Management of Chronic Disease
Student nurses in the Living Lab

Advanced Clinical Management Skills

Work at an advanced level of clinical practice. Develop the ability to critically analyse, synthesise and review care decisions by discussing, debating and reviewing alternative approaches to care delivery. Meet the medico-legal requirements for advanced practice and have ethical and moral principles embedded throughout your learning. 

Find out more about Advanced Clinical Management Skills
A parent holding a baby sat beside a nurse

Advanced Paediatric Clinical Management Skills

This module is a core module embedded in clinical practice in preparation for a Paediatric Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) role and will offer students the opportunity to develop their advanced communication, clinical assessment, examination and clinical decision making and management skills in their field of practice.

Find out more about Advanced Paediatric Clinical Management Skills
Lots of NHS documents and forms piled together

Certificate of Achievement in the Assessment and Management of Minor Illness and Injury

This comprehensive 16-week course is designed for Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals at Level 6 or Level 7. It provides training in the assessment, management, and care of minor injuries and illnesses. 

Find out more about Certificate of Achievement in the Assessment and Management of Minor Illness and Injury
Student nurses using the facilities on campus

Asthma and COPD in Adults

This short course will enable qualified healthcare practitioners to gain the knowledge and skills required to care for patients with common respiratory conditions, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Find out more about Asthma and COPD in Adults
A Nursing student smiling

BSc (Hons) Professional Practice

Take your career to the next level by building on your health profession knowledge and skills in our state-of-the-art clinical and simulation facilities.

Find out more about BSc (Hons) Professional Practice
Advancing Contraceptive Health

Undergraduate/Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement in Advancing Contraceptive Health

This is a clinically and strategically relevant course for those who work in delivering contraceptive services. This course mirrors our Contraceptive Health course, but the credits gained are at level 7, the same as our postgraduate degrees.

Find out more about Undergraduate/Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement in Advancing Contraceptive Health
A student sitting listening in a classroom

Certificate of Higher Education - Health

This course is delivered 100% online and can be accessed from anywhere in the UK and around the world. Designed with military personnel, their families and veterans in mind, the Certificate in Higher Education programme develops further skills to enable this body of people to undertake a course which will prepare them for studying a degree programme.

Find out more about Certificate of Higher Education - Health
Close up of hands performing CPR on a virtual patient

Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure

This short course, which can be studied at either level 6 or level 7, will help you develop the knowledge and skills required to care for patients with coronary heart disease and heart failure, promoting a holistic, patient-centred approach to management.

Find out more about Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure
Lots of NHS documents and forms piled together

Education in Advanced Clinical Practice

This short course enables you to develop skills and knowledge in applied education, evidence-based strategy, teaching and learning theories and methodologies, coaching, mentorship, supervision, and critical thinking in clinical practice. The course is aimed at those working at Advanced Clinical Practitioner level or as a Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner, and those looking to self-credential with NHS England.

Find out more about Education in Advanced Clinical Practice
Student nurses working in the Living Lab

Enhanced/Prescribing for Health Professionals

Prescribing is an essential component of specialist and advanced practice for health professionals. In this level 6 course, you'll work in practice with an assigned practice assessor who is also a registered healthcare professional and experienced prescriber.

Find out more about Enhanced/Prescribing for Health Professionals
Two men and a woman laughing with each other.

Explore Learning Responses within the PSIRF

This masterclass is aimed at matrons, governance leads, managers, and those working in/leading a multidisciplinary team (NHS and independent) who are expected to facilitate systems-based learning responses. The day provides an opportunity to network across the Integrated Care Board (ICB), share experiences, ideas, and learning since the inception of The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework.

Find out more about Explore Learning Responses within the PSIRF
A group of healthcare students in uniform listening to someone talking off camera

Facilitating Learning in Practice/Enhanced Facilitation of Learning in Practice

This short course is aimed at healthcare practitioners, helping develop skills in planning and implementing effective teaching, learning, and assessment within clinical practice.

Find out more about Facilitating Learning in Practice/Enhanced Facilitation of Learning in Practice
A doctor giving a patient diabetes medication

Foundations of Diabetes

This short course is designed for healthcare professionals who manage patients with diabetes mellitus, to develop their knowledge and skills in this area. The assessment for this module will reflect achievement at level 6.

Find out more about Foundations of Diabetes
A Nursing student smiling

Health Professions Postgraduate Certificate in Education

Take your career to the next level by building on your health profession knowledge and skills in our state-of-the-art clinical and simulation facilities.

Find out more about Health Professions Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing for Pharmacists

Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing for Pharmacists

Study the only Independent Prescribing course in the North East that is accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). Provide patients with improved access to medicines. Take on new challenges and opportunities that are unavailable to non-prescribers.

Find out more about Practice Certificate in Independent Prescribing for Pharmacists
Lots of NHS documents and forms piled together

Leadership in Advanced Clinical Practice

This short course enables you to understand, use, and apply leadership theories to a range of advanced clinical practice roles to inform, lead, manage, and develop healthcare services. The course is aimed at those working at Advanced Clinical Practitioner level or as a Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner, and those looking to self-credential with NHS England.

Find out more about Leadership in Advanced Clinical Practice
A student sitting listening in the classroom wearing their lanyard

Learning Disability Contemporary Practice

This short course is designed for registered and non-registered clinicians who have studied at level 5 and above, who want to upskill their knowledge of caring for patients with learning disabilities.

Find out more about Learning Disability Contemporary Practice
Two men and a woman laughing with each other.

Neurodiversity Workshop

This workshop is aimed at Local Authorities, particularly for social work/education/community work/health but also open to any organisation that would find the workshop beneficial.

Find out more about Neurodiversity Workshop
A pair of hands with medical equipment.

PgCert in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement

Gain knowledge and critical understanding of quality improvement methodology and methods and their use in the wider political contexts within the NHS. Explore leadership and management skills for roles in strategic, tactical and operational healthcare provision. Improve the experience of service users, clients and their families/carers.

Find out more about PgCert in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
A student nurse putting on blue surgical gloves

PgCert Infection Prevention and Control

This short course, developed and aligned to the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual, will support you in gaining knowledge and understanding of core infection prevention and control (IPC) areas.

Find out more about PgCert Infection Prevention and Control
A Nursing student smiling

Postgraduate Certificate in Tissue Viability

This short course has been designed for healthcare professionals working with patients who have tissue viability needs. The course builds knowledge and skills in anatomy and pathophysiology and aligns them with enhanced clinical assessment and management skills, including the exploration of theoretical and contemporary issues in wound care.

Find out more about Postgraduate Certificate in Tissue Viability
Three student nurses setting up a bed on the mock ward

Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement: Professional Nurse Advocate

This accredited short course aims to support registered nurses to critically analyse the role of the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA), helping you gain the skills and knowledge required to lead and deliver quality improvements and facilitate restorative clinical supervision.

Find out more about Professional Nurse Advocate
A student working at a computer

Preparation for Academic Study: Progression to Level 6

This short course will help you develop the academic knowledge and skills required to progress to Level 6 study at the University of Sunderland. This may include qualified healthcare professionals who've achieved a diploma in higher education or an equivalent to a UK diploma level award.

Find out more about Preparation for Academic Study: Progression to Level 6
Lots of NHS documents and forms piled together

Professional Advocate Programme

This short course aims to support registered Allied Health Care Professionals to critically analyse the role of the Professional  Advocate (PA) and recognise the role in the current strategic context.

Find out more about Professional Advocate Programme
A nurse standing infront of students talking

Professional Nurse Advocate/Professional Advocate

This masterclass will provide qualified PNAs/PAs with an opportunity to network with others, share expertise, resources and showcase sustainable quality improvement projects whilst celebrating success across the region.   

Find out more about Professional Nurse Advocate/Professional Advocate
Two pharmacy students working in the pharmacy dispensary

Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Programme

Further your skills and develop your undergraduate knowledge on the Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Programme. We'll support you with specialist training and provide opportunities for you to network with fellow trainee pharmacists.

Find out more about Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Programme
A student nurse caring for an elderly person in hopsital

Undergraduate/Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement in Care of the Older Person

In this short course, you will learn about how we age and the issues we face, including some of the common conditions seen in older people and health promotion to support ‘wellness’. Cultural bias and personal values will also be explored.

Find out more about Undergraduate/Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement in Care of the Older Person
A doctor looking into a patient's ear

Undergraduate Certificate of Achievement in Managing Common Ear Conditions

This module aims to equip those whose work involves managing patients who may present with conditions involving the ear to develop their knowledge and skills in this area. The course is taught at level 6.

Find out more about Undergraduate Certificate of Achievement in Managing Common Ear Conditions
Two nurses using respiratory equipment on a simulation manikin

Undergraduate Certificate of Achievement in Respiratory Disease

This programme has been developed to be innovative in approach and develop theoretical and practical skills relevant for practice whilst promoting a holistic, patient-centred approach to management.

Find out more about Undergraduate Certificate of Achievement in Respiratory Disease
Undergraduate Certificate in Clinical Skills

Undergraduate/Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement in Developing Practice in Clinical Skills

This short course trains you to carry out an in-depth history and conduct systematic physical examinations of different areas of the body including the respiratory system, cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. You will also learn best practice in documenting and communicating your findings.

Find out more about Undergraduate/Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement in Developing Practice in Clinical Skills

Education courses

Hands turning the page of a book

Assessment Only Route to QTS

If you are an experienced graduate teacher and would like to complete a formal qualification to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), which is a requirement for those who wish to teach in state-maintained schools in England and Wales, this route is one of the fastest ways to gain QTS. 

Find out more about Assessment Only Route to QTS

In-Sessional English for Academic Purposes

Improve your English with free classes for registered students whose first language is not English. Develop academic skills in reading and writing, speaking and listening, dissertation writing, discussion skills, and grammar. Choose courses in general Academic English or English for Business Studies. Get support with your main studies from our experienced and supportive tutors.

Find out more about In-Sessional English for Academic Purposes


A student taking notes

PgCert/PgDip Digital Marketing and Analytics

The course is designed for graduates from looking to pursue careers as digital marketers and business data analysts, managers who have already gained marketing and computing business experience and seek to further their careers as highly qualified digital marketers. They are tailored to those wanting more flexible learning pathways or wishing to pursue part-time study.

Find out more about Digital Marketing and Analytics
BA/BSc (Hons) Politics - Combined Subjects

PgCert/PgDip Human Resource Management

The Certificate and Diploma in Human Resources Management, level 7 course has been designed to develop relevant and essential knowledge and skills in people management and learning and development and are a route into professional membership of the CIPD. We'll prepare you for a future career in HR and support those currently in the early stages of an HRM career to attain a postgraduate qualification.

Find out more about Human Resource Management
Students sitting at laptops in a classroom

PgCert/PgDip Management Studies

The Certificate and Diploma in Management Studies Level 7 short courses have been developed to provide you with a critical understanding of strategic management and provide a pathway to achievement of an MBA. The short courses enable you to develop key competencies in management through a varied programme of lectures and applied learning through seminars, workshops and corporate engagement. The PgCert/PgDip courses are particularly suited to those in the workplace, looking for more flexible learning pathways or wishing to study on a part-time basis.

Find out more about Management Studies

Leadership courses

A person speaking while pointing at a screen

Authentic Leadership

Understand what makes effective leadership in the workplace. Develop confidence and satisfaction in your role. Realise your potential as a leader to further benefit your business.

Find out more about Authentic Leadership
A person presenting and pointing at a board while a group of people watch

Coaching for Leaders

Explore coaching in the context of business leadership. Understand the coaching process and the importance of setting goals. Develop your existing abilities and qualities that will make you a successful coach.

Find out more about Coaching for Leaders

Social Work courses

Two students sitting side by side on the sofa in the Communication Skills Room

Advanced Safeguarding Adults

This short course will help you to develop an advanced understanding of social work practice in the area of adult safeguarding. Successful completion of the module will help you to evidence development along the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) for social work (BASW, 2018), from Newly Qualified Social Worker to Experienced Social Worker.

Find out more about Advanced Safeguarding Adults
A child sitting in a classroom

Advanced Safeguarding Children

Aimed at current practitioners, this short course will help you to develop an advanced understanding of social work practice in the area of child safeguarding.

Find out more about Advanced Safeguarding Children
Three students sitting on sofas chatting in the Communication Skills Room

Certificate of Higher Education: Preparation for Social Work

This short course has been designed to enable employees with our partner agencies who would like to become social workers to develop the required academic skills to progress to the full professional qualifying BA (Hons) Social Work (Integrated Degree Apprenticeship) course.

Find out more about Certificate of Higher Education: Preparation for Social Work
Academic and group of students in social work class

Practice Education for Social Work - Stage 1 and Stage 2

Practice Education for Social Work is an important area of career development for experienced social workers and demonstrates that social workers are practicing at the experienced social work level of the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF). This qualification will prepare registered social workers for a role as a Practice Educator for pre-qualifying Social Work students. It will enable registered social workers to demonstrate that they are working to the requirements of the Practice Educator Professional Standards for Social Work (PEPS).

Find out more about Practice Education for Social Work - Stage 1 and Stage 2
Two students sitting around a small table, each reading a book

Reflexive Practice Research

Suitable for professionals working in a range of human service organisations, this short course will help you become a reflexive practitioner by promoting research mindedness in the workplace.

Find out more about Reflexive Practice Research

Investigation courses

A student taking notes in the classroom

Advanced Diploma in Investigations of Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO)

This module will focus on the development of an investigative mindset to improve the management of Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) investigations. Reflect on your own workplace practice and consider how to improve investigation outcomes.

Find out more about Advanced Diploma in Investigations of Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO)
Students sitting listening in a lesson

University Advanced Diploma in Management and Coordination of Family Liaison

This module focuses on the management and coordination of family liaison for serious and complex investigations or major incidents. You'll explore the roles and responsibilities of the family liaison coordinator and develop your existing skills and knowledge to enhance your own practice.

Find out more about University Advanced Diploma in Management and Coordination of Family Liaison
A student in a lecture surrounded by other students

University Advanced Diploma in Investigative Interviews with Vulnerable Victims and Witnesses

This module will focus on planning and conducting investigative interviews with vulnerable victims and witnesses. Reflect on experiences from your own workplace practice and gain the skills needed to facilitate access to justice.

Find out more about University Advanced Diploma in Investigative Interviews with Vulnerable Victims and Witnesses
Student nurses attending to dummy patient

Short courses and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

We offer short courses spanning across a range of subject specialisms, that support continuing professional development, allowing you to top up your knowledge or learn something new while fitting studies around work or other commitments.

We are committed to lifelong learning and upskilling to allow you to progress and achieve your potential. We offer both accredited and non-accredited courses enabling individuals to use academic credits towards further study within five years.

Three people sat around a table in cafe drinking coffee and talking to each other

Why study with us?

As a University we are internationally recognised for the quality of our teaching and research. We're an ambitious professions facing university with a global reach. We provide uniquely tailored solutions for individuals wanting to upskill, as well as employers wanting to achieve their business goals and gain the maximum value from investing in short courses and continuing professional development (CPD). By studying with us, you can:

  • Receive access to world-class facilities and expertise
  • Have the flexibility to choose from our wide-ranging courses
  • Gain academic credits to use towards further study
  • Benefit from exceptional support throughout your studies from a dedicated team focused on your needs