What is it?
The University of Sunderland is offering generous bursaries to support students with the costs of studying medicine. These bursaries prioritise students from groups under-represented in higher education including: students from lower income households, and students residing in areas of low participation rates in higher education (POLAR4).
Who can apply?
- You must be a ‘home’ student applying to study our Medicine MBChB course.
- You must be a first-year student applying to commence your studies in autumn 2025.
- You must be from at least one of the underrepresented groups outlined in the guidance notes.
How much will I get?
Eligible students will receive a cash award in each year of study and will also be offered the opportunity to stay in university-managed accommodation either rent-free or at a discounted rate in academic year 2025/2026, and some students, academic year 2026/27.
How do I apply?
You can apply for bursaries via your myApplication account.
Your username is your student number, which can be found on all correspondence you have received from the University. If you are unsure of your student number, please contact Student Administration at studentadmin@sunderland.ac.uk.
When can I apply?
You can apply from February 2025. The deadline for applications is Sunday 31 August 2025.
Once the deadline has passed, we are not permitted to accept any further applications.
How will I be paid?
All cash payments will be made into your bank account. It is your responsibility to enter your bank details onto your myApplication account to enable these payments to be made.
When will I receive my award?
The University of Sunderland Accommodation Team will allocate places in university-managed accommodation and apply the discount for eligible students. Cash awards will be made on the fifth working day of February in each year of study, subject to progression to each subsequent academic year.
View our University of Sunderland Medicine Bursaries 2025/26 guidance notes for full terms and conditions.