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Our widening participation criteria

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An individual or household’s social and economic position can be represented through indicators such as income, education, occupation and how this compares to others.

Students from more advantaged backgrounds often benefit from more effective information from schools, parents/supporters and broader networks. Students from more disadvantaged backgrounds, who may not have the same support at home and through their networks, are less likely to have access to effective information and guidance.

Universities are encouraged to consider a variety of measures and indicators to develop an understanding of underrepresentation in their own context. Places are limited and will be awarded based on the responses given on the application form. Each application form will be assessed on an individual basis, and places will be awarded at the discretion of the University.

Applicants must meet at least one of the University of Sunderland’s Widening Participation Criteria. Priority will be given to applicants who meet the most University of Sunderland Widening Participation Criteria and live in the North East of England:

Priority will be given to applicants who meet the most University of Sunderland Widening Participation Criteria and live in the North East of England:

  • In receipt of, or entitled to, free school meals within the last six years.
  • From low household income or low socioeconomic status - The University of Sunderland identify low household income as: Band 1 - Annual household income of £25,000 or less and Band 2 - Annual household income of between £25,001 - £42,875.
  • From areas of low higher education participation - The University of Sunderland identify low participation as POLAR4 Quintiles 1 and 2, and will access this on your behalf based on the home postcode you supply.
  • Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman and Boater.
  • Those care experienced, or who are permanently estranged from both parents or carers.
  • Recognised carers
  • Those whose parents or carers are serving, or have served in the UK Armed Forces.
  • Refugees
  • Black, Asian and minority ethnic students
  • Those with a diagnosed disability


Please note the University’s decision to allocate a place is final. If you have a query relating to our Widening Participation Criteria, please contact Medstart@sunderland.ac.uk.

Further information about you
We are passionate about ensuring fair access for all students, regardless of background and we are particularly interested in attracting students from groups which are currently underrepresented in Higher Education. We are using criteria based on the Office for Students definition of underrepresented students during the Application Screening Process, as well as our own institutional criteria. In the application form, we ask you to select characteristics which apply to you. The characteristics are explained as follows:

  • Care-experienced – someone who, at any stage of their life, and for any length of time, has been in care in the UK e.g. looked after by a local authority. This could include spending time in foster care or a residential children’s home.
  • You are a carer - You have sole or shared responsibility for the care of a relative who has a chronic or terminal illness, disability, mental health problem, alcohol or drug addiction. 
  • Either/both of your parents are/have been in the military - Children of military families are included as an underrepresented group in the University of Sunderland’s Widening Participation Criteria. You would be a child of a military family if either of your parents are/have been in the armed forces (e.g. Naval Service, Royal Navy, Royal Marines, British Army, Royal Air Force).
  • You are a refugee - Refugees are people who have settled in the UK and have been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK.
  • You are an estranged student - The term ‘estranged student’ is used to refer to students who are irreconcilably estranged and are studying without the support of a family network. ‘Irreconcilably estranged’ means you have had no contact at all with both of your parents/carers for at least 12 months and this is unlikely to change, or you can demonstrate on other grounds that you are estranged from your parents/carers, for example in exceptional circumstances. Please note, you will not be considered estranged on the basis that you live separately from your parents, have recently fallen out with your parents, or your parents are unwilling to complete income assessment forms or contribute towards your student finance.
  • Household Income and Parents’ Education Level- We ask you about your household income and your parents’ education level, so we can establish whether you meet one of the underrepresented groups: “Students from areas of low higher education participation, low household income and/or low socioeconomic status”.

Published: 9 September 2024