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Animation and Games Art interviews

Find out everything you need to know about your Animation and Games Art interview.

Your interview

Congratulations on being invited for an interview, we are really looking forward to meeting with you.

Our Animation and Games Art interviews are relaxed and friendly and are designed as an opportunity to get to know you. It's also a chance for you to ask any questions you might have about the University, the course, or the application process.

The interview team want to see your work and discover your passion for the subject. We often have a Student Ambassador in attendance as well, who are there to share their experience and to support you on the day. If you haven’t already, you'll soon receive an email with our available interview dates. Please book your place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Interviews will be held in person at our Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's, or online via Microsoft Teams upon request. If your interview is scheduled to take place online, you’ll receive all information and the link for the interview in your confirmation email.

How to prepare

You'll be expected to prepare a portfolio of your creative work which shows what you have done so far and what interests you. We're not looking for perfection as we appreciate you are still developing work – we are interested in your creative potential.


Your portfolio

Your portfolio should be a PowerPoint presentation, ZIP file or links to websites or videos. Here are some of our top tips:

  • Remember it's about quality not quantity – aim for between 10-20 pieces of your work.
  • Display a range of styles and techniques.
  • Show us work completed in or outside of your studies.
  • Include ideas that didn't work.
  • Demonstrate your research, for example, design sheets or sketchbooks/scrapbooks of things that inspire you.
  • Include photographs of 3D or large 2D work.
  • We also like to see uncompleted or work in progress.

If you are applying for more than one course, make sure your portfolio demonstrates work relevant to both/all.

To upload your portfolio, please log into your myApplication portal to view any outstanding actions and navigate to the checklist section. Here you will have the option to upload a document.

Please contact studentadmin@sunderland.ac.uk for further portfolio guidance.

What to bring

Prior to the interview, our academics will have received your digital portfolio. You can also bring your physical portfolio/USB with you to your interview, or any additional pieces to complement your portfolio, for example a sketchbook or a sculpture.

Dress code

Due to the nature of the interviews, you do not need to wear formal interview attire to your interview.

How to get here

Your interview will take place at our Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's.

You can reach us by car, bus, train or Metro. In your confirmation email, you'll receive a free parking permit. Please note a parking space is not guaranteed. Alternative car parks can be found on the Sunderland City Council website.

If you are travelling by Metro, the nearest station is St Peter's or Stadium of Light for the Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's.

View our AccessAble accessibility guides for support with planning your journey.

What to expect on the day

On the day, you’ll meet with our interview team and Student Ambassadors, who will take you on a campus tour and answer any questions you may have. You'll then meet with your course leader and tour the Animation and Games Art facilities. This will be followed by your one-to-one interview with the course leader to discuss your portfolio. During this time, we want to hear all about your chosen pieces and passion for the subject. Please allow all morning or all afternoon for your interview.

Next steps

We'll email you with the outcome of your interview and you'll also be able to view this decision on your myApplication portal and UCAS Hub.

If you have a query about your application, please contact studentadmin@sunderland.ac.uk.

You'll also be invited to attend some on-campus applicant days to meet other applicants from Art and Design courses and take part in some workshops and taster sessions to give you an insight of what it's like to be a student at the University of Sunderland.


If you have any questions about your Animation and Games Art interview, please contact us at applicant.interviews@sunderland.ac.uk or 0191 515 3374.