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Admissions and enrolment

Now that you've applied, what's next? Familiarise yourself with key application dates, learn how to manage your application through our online applicant portal, myApplication, and find out what you need to know about enrolment and induction.

Key dates

29 January 2025: UCAS deadline

26 February 2025: UCAS Extra opens

30 June 2025: Last date for receipt of applications to be sent to universities and colleges (after this, applications are automatically entered into Clearing)

4 July 2025: UCAS Extra closes

5 July 2025: Clearing Opens

Managing your application

Your application

After we receive your application, we will email you a username and password so that you can log into myApplication (see below). When you receive your offer from the University of Sunderland, it will be sent by email to the address you provided on your UCAS application form. Your offer email will contain the following: the specifics of your offer, including any conditions you need to meet; your course start date; the cost of your tuition fees; and information about student services you might find helpful.

Your offer

When all of your offers have arrived, you’ll receive an email from UCAS asking you to make a decision about where you’d like to study. When your final offer arrives, UCAS will email and ask you to reply to your offers. You’ll be given a deadline to do this, which will depend on the date you submitted your UCAS application. It’s really important that you are aware of any application deadlines – if you don’t respond in time, UCAS will automatically withdraw all of your offers.

If you’ve used all five course choices on your UCAS application and weren’t accepted, declined your offers, or simply found another course you’re interested in, you can use UCAS Extra to apply for another course. To use UCAS Extra, you will need to decline any offers that you are holding – so make sure you definitely want to change your mind.

If your circumstances change and you can’t make it to the University of Sunderland this year, for any reason, please get in touch to let us know; we may still be able to offer you a place or an alternative start date.

myApplication portal

myApplication is our online applicant portal, where you can manage your application to the University of Sunderland. Once you’ve applied, you’ll receive an email with details about your myApplication account, and when you’re logged in you’ll see a real-time view of where we are with processing your application.

Depending on the course you’ve applied for, there may be some extra information we need from you. We’ll let you know by adding details to your application, and you’ll see actions appear on your checklist. Remember to log into myApplication regularly so you can view your checklist and keep up to date with any actions you need to complete.

Get in touch with our Student Administration team any time by clicking the ‘Contact us’ button in myApplication, if you have questions about the status of your application or need support with any of the actions on your checklist.

Disclosure Barring Service (DBS)

If you have applied for a course that requires a DBS check, for example to enable you to go out on placement, you'll need to have an enhanced DBS check and won't be able to go on placement until this has cleared. Once you have an unconditional offer, you'll receive an email about the DBS process. The DBS process is not difficult, but it can take some time, so it's best to get started as soon as you receive your email.

Find out more about your DBS check.


Before you join us, there's one really important step you need to complete: enrolment. To make your transition to university as easy as possible, it's a good idea to get started early. Here's how:

Your confirmation letter

Once you have met all the conditions of your offer, you'll receive a confirmation letter from our Student Administration team. This letter will confirm your place on your chosen course, provide you with your all important enrolment instructions and give you some tips on what to expect when you start your course.

The letter will arrive via email, so keep an eye on your inbox - we'll be sending it to the email address you provided when you applied.

Online enrolment

You've received your confirmation letter, now it's time to enrol yourself online. The enrolment process usually takes around 5-10 minutes and involves answering a series of questions about yourself, your studies and your funding. Once you've completed your online enrolment, you'll be provided with your new University of Sunderland user ID, which will open up a wide range of resources for you to access.

'What next?' checklist

Now that you've completed your online enrolment, you'll have access to our 'What next?' checklist, which will guide you to your next steps before you begin your studies. The checklist will show you how to upload a photograph for your campus card, give you access to your induction timetable and much more.

Get in touch

If you need support with any of the steps above, please contact our Student Administration team, who will be happy to help: studentadmin@sunderland.ac.uk.

Flying Start

Flying start is a module that has been designed to help you understand what studying at university really means. There's a pre-arrival activity that is related to your induction week which you'll need to complete. As you’ll discover, university is quite different from school or college, but with help from your lecturers and tutors, you’ll quickly adapt and learn how to study effectively and independently in your new environment. Take your time prior to the start of your course to work through the sections in Flying Start, to learn more about your course, support, and the University.