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Case Study

Victor Moss


BSc (Hons) Clinical Psychology with Integrated Foundation Year

Choosing to pursue higher education at the University of Sunderland has been life changing for Victor Moss. As well as studying BSc Clinical Psychology, he is a Student Voice Representative, a PASS leader, and volunteers for his church and Durham County Council's Horden Together Project, all while supporting his family.

Choosing to pursue a university education was a pivotal decision in my life. My journey began in Spain, where I moved when I was just 10 weeks old. Growing up, I faced significant challenges, including a struggle with alcohol and drug addiction that began in my teens. This addiction spiralled out of control, eventually leading me to commit a crime to fund my substance use, which resulted in a prison sentence. However, in 2020, I reached a turning point when I decided to confront my addiction head-on and entered rehab. This step marked the beginning of my recovery journey and a profound personal transformation. With courage and determination, I enrolled in a college access course to higher education, simultaneously working to improve my maths and English skills, as I lacked the necessary qualifications for direct university admission.

It was during this period of academic exploration and personal growth that I discovered my passion for psychology. The field fascinated me, offering insights into the complexities of human behaviour and the underlying reasons for the struggles I faced growing up. More importantly, psychology resonated with my deep-seated desire to help others who have encountered life's challenges, just as I once did. This realisation fueled my motivation to pursue a university education in BSc (Hons) Clinical Psychology with Integrated Foundation Year, driven by the belief that through understanding and compassion, I can contribute to the healing and betterment of others.

I chose the University of Sunderland due to its esteemed reputation for quality education, underscored by its recognition with the Athena Swan Bronze Award in 2021 for its commitment to gender equality. My decision was further influenced by the university's exceptional facilities and resources, including modern libraries, laboratories, and comprehensive support services, which I had the opportunity to explore during open days. The location of the university was a crucial factor, as it allowed me to stay close to home to care for my wife and son, who have challenges with their mental health, ensuring I could balance my family responsibilities with my academic pursuits. Additionally, the supportive and friendly learning environment, alongside a range of support services such as career advice and academic support, reassured me of the university's dedication to student success.

My favourite aspect of the course I'm currently studying is the emphasis on interactive learning, especially through group projects. Engaging in two projects so far, I've found this collaborative approach not only enriches my understanding but also enhances my enjoyment of the subject matter. Another facet of the course that captivates me is the use of innovative technology for data analysis and statistical testing, including tools like JASP and Qualtrics. Despite my initial lack of experience with complex software, I've embraced the opportunity to learn and master these technologies, finding great satisfaction in acquiring new skills in this area. Additionally, I'm eagerly anticipating a research assistant opportunity, which I believe will further my experience and knowledge in psychology, allowing me to volunteer and gain invaluable hands-on experience as a researcher. This combination of interactive projects, technological innovation, and the prospect of practical research experience encapsulates what I find most rewarding about my studies, marking these elements as the highlights of my academic journey up to now.

During my studies, I received crucial financial support through student finance, which covered my tuition fees and maintenance loan, in addition to a grant aimed at students from underrepresented groups. This funding acknowledged my roles as a carer and a parent, providing tailored assistance that addressed my unique situation. Moreover, the University of Sunderland extended a bursary to me over my four-year course, disbursed quarterly throughout the academic year. This comprehensive financial support has been instrumental in enabling my educational journey. Without it, pursuing higher education would have been unfeasible, as I would have struggled to manage my bills and meet my family's needs. My wife, unable to work due to her mental health, and the resultant low household income made this support not just beneficial but essential. It allowed me to concentrate on my academics without the burden of financial stress, ensuring that my focus remained on achieving academic success rather than worrying about financial constraints.

Since beginning my academic journey, I've seen significant career progression, rooted in my foundational college experience and expanded at the University of Sunderland. My period as a Student Voice Representative (SVR) has sharpened my interpersonal skills, essential for my career growth. This year, I've also led sessions through the PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) program, enhancing my leadership abilities.

My volunteer work with Durham County Council's Horden Together project and at my local church has allowed me to apply my skills in real-world settings, dealing with diverse community needs. Looking forward, I aim to manage projects addressing challenges in critical areas like social services and mental health, aiming to fill existing gaps in these fields.

During my time at university, I developed a suite of skills that are indispensable in my volunteer roles today, such as critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities, time management and organisational skills. These university-learned skills have been fundamental in driving positive outcomes and making a meaningful impact in the communities I serve.

For students embarking on their academic journey at the University of Sunderland, embracing the full spectrum of university life is key to a rewarding experience. Prioritise your studies and take advantage of the diverse learning resources available, from libraries to online databases, ensuring you engage deeply with your coursework. Yet, remember that education extends beyond the classroom. Get involved in clubs, societies, and extracurricular activities to enrich your personal and professional development. These platforms offer invaluable opportunities to build networks, develop new skills, and explore your passions. Don't hesitate to seek support when needed; the university provides a range of services designed to help you navigate academic challenges, mental health concerns, and career planning. Embrace the vibrant community and the unique setting of Sunderland to make the most of your university years, setting a solid foundation for your future endeavours.

Reflecting on my journey at the University of Sunderland, I see it as a transformative journey marked by resilience and profound growth. From my earliest days grappling with addiction and its consequences, to the moment I chose to face my challenges head-on, my path has been anything but ordinary. Discovering my passion for psychology within the university's supportive environment was a turning point, offering me a new direction and purpose. The university doesn’t just educate me; it provides a community that supports me in every step of the way, enabling me to juggle my academic ambitions with my family responsibilities seamlessly. The financial support, the engaging and practical aspects of my coursework, and the invaluable skills I've gained have all prepared me for a future where I can make a real difference, especially in the realms of social services and mental health. My experience at the University of Sunderland so far has been life-changing, teaching me the true power of education and the potential it has to transform lives, just as it has transformed mine.

Published 17 June 2024

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