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Curtis Noon

Middlesbrough, UK

BSc (Hons) Biopharmaceutical Science

Curtis Noon had always wanted to become a scientist, and after learning about the pharmaceutical industry and making life-saving drugs he decided to pursue a degree in pharmaceutical sciences. Curtis joined the University of Sunderland through Clearing and has said yes to all the opportunities that have come his way, including a placement year in industry and becoming course rep.

For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to grow up and become a ‘scientist’ and going to university to study a science course was a way to do that. It wasn’t until A Levels that I became interested in the pharmaceutical industry and making life-saving drugs – from then I knew university was a natural route to work within the industry.

I got into Sunderland through Clearing after getting my A-Level results during the first year of Covid. After searching for courses and universities that I would like to attend I came across the University of Sunderland's Biopharmaceutical Science course. It was essentially everything I was interested in at A Level, and it included a potential placement year which is what I wanted to pursue.

My favourite part of the course has been the biology-focused modules. I especially like learning about genetics and the roles genes play in all of us and specifically the role they play in diseases. Learning about this really hooked me and led me to go away and research more into disease and in particular neurodegenerative disease. Exploring the world of neuroscience really heightened my already existing interests and I researched further the genetics of neuroscience. Those modules led me to what I researched for my dissertation so the biology modules are definitely my favourite part!

My career prospects have definitely progressed to a level I didn't expect to achieve. The placement year I completed helped me get a really good insight into a small but important pharmaceutical company, from which I learned so much from so many people. The year's experience allowed me to make valuable connections which has helped me a lot in my final year! In the future I would like to stay within the industry and potentially even open my own pharmaceutical company one day!

My number one piece of advice to any prospective students is to get involved in any way you can. Ask a lecturer if you can stay back a little longer to work on a lab skill to boost your CV, ask to be a course rep and represent your peers in the SU, ask to volunteer! Likewise, if anyone asks you to help with anything just say yes! This will definitely improve your character and CV so it’s a good way to grow as a person. I’ve helped with so many things and asked loads of questions and without doing that I wouldn’t be the person I am today. So, ask questions and say yes!

The University has had such a massive impact on my life. It has allowed me to gain so many excellent qualities which I’ll carry with me for my entire life. I’ve grown in confidence and the opportunities Sunderland has provided allowed for this growth to happen. Of course, it’s been challenging, but I wouldn’t change anything as I’ve grown into a person I’m proud of.”

Published 14 June 2024

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