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Angelin Gayatri

Jakarta, Indonesia

BSc (Hons) Biochemistry

Angelin had always been curious about science and pharmaceuticals, and dreamt about working in a lab one day. After researching the University of Sunderland and its pharmaceuticals courses, she realised it would suit her well as the city was smaller and the cost of living much cheaper than other places in the UK. Her favourite part of the Biochemistry course was working in the labs, so her hope for the future is to get a lab job in a UK-based pharmaceutical company.

I learned about the University of Sunderland from an education agency in Indonesia called Dynamic Education Group. I explained my curiosity about my interest in the pharmaceutical field and they convinced me that Sunderland is one of the best pharmaceutical universities in the UK.

I researched the University, including how the city is in general in terms of its people and environment and I realised that Sunderland suits me well because I don’t really like a crowded place. The city is also cheap compared to other places in the UK, so for someone who is going to live abroad for the first time, it’s a good start!

Ever since I was a kid I have always been curious about science and pharmaceuticals and it has always been a dream to work in a lab and do research about medicine. So, my favourite part of the course was working in the lab. My future plans are to find a lab job in a local pharmaceutical company. I want to work in a UK lab as that is where my degree is from and there is a growing pharmaceutical industry in UK.

When I first started I found it really difficult as most of my classmates were from the UK so I felt like they got used to everything quicker than me, and I struggled with the British accents as I grew up with movies and music that are mostly from the United States. But I joined the basketball team and the Indonesian Society and hung out with other international students so I would feel less lonely. I also made sure I studied hard and opened up little by little to my tutor when I was struggling. Things got more under control and a little easier and my tutor made sure I got all the help I needed.

My advice to prospective pharmaceutical sciences students is to keep pushing through. Especially if you’re an international student like me or not from Sunderland. This city is indeed so beautiful even though it’s small. The people are friendly, but what I like the most is that it is pretty calm here. Sometimes university can be so stressful when you are far away from home and all the mixed feelings can make you feel overwhelmed. But remember you’re not alone, you have your personal tutor and your friends will keep you sane."

Published 8 October 2024

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