Learn all you need to know to be fully prepared for university with our insightful articles, blogs, interviews and case studies.
There’s a lot to consider when applying for university, so we’ve broken down the undergraduate application process into a step-by-step guide.
Find out more about applying as an undergraduate for university
Whether you’ve already checked us out at an Open Day and want to know more, or you’ve never even heard of Sunderland, we’re sharing our top 10 reasons why you should choose us when applying for university.
Find out why Sunderland is an excellent choice
Your personal statement enables you to share what sets you apart from other applicants. It’s your chance to talk about your experience outside of the classroom, your talents, and what makes you interested in the subject or course you’re applying for.
Find out how to write the perfect personal statement
Read more about university life with our student blogs
UNILIFE: UNLOCKEDThere’s a lot to think about when applying for a university scholarship or bursary, so we’ve put together some of our top tips to help you with your application.
Read more about applying for a scholarship or bursary
There's no need to panic if you missed the UCAS application deadline. Even though it's best to sort out your application before the UCAS deadline, you still have a chance to land a place. Here are the options available to you after the deadline has passed.
Find out how you can still land a place at university if you missed the UCAS deadline
Attracting hundreds of thousands of international students every year, the UK is a fantastic country to live and study in. Here, we’re exploring just a few of the benefits of studying in the UK.
Discover the reasons why you should study in the UK
Applying for a master’s degree requires a lot of preparation and research, but there are some similarities with the undergraduate application process. Find out everything you need to know about your master’s application here, including when to apply, what to include in your personal statement, and more.
Find out what's the process like when applying for a masters degree
Scholarships and bursaries are additional sources of financial support. Unlike student loans, these don't need to be paid back, so applying is a no-brainer. To help you with your application, we've put together a list of our most frequently asked questions about scholarships and bursaries.
Here’s what you need to know about scholarships and bursaries
Are you applying for a postgraduate degree and feeling confused about student finance? The funding process for postgraduate courses is different to undergraduate study – here's our guide on what you need to know.
Find out more about postgraduate student finance
Undergraduate Open Days are a great opportunity to find out more about your course, meet staff and students, and look around campus, but there are some other great reasons to come to our Open Days.
Find out why you should come to our next Undergraduate Open Day
We’re taking a look at some of the things to consider when asking yourself the question: is university really worth it? And if you do decide to go to university, how you can make the most out of the experience so it feels fully worthwhile to you.
Our Postgraduate Open Days are great opportunities to learn more about the courses we offer, meet academic staff, and speak to experts about student finance and accommodation options.
Read why you should come to our next Postgraduate Open Day
Online distance learning is a flexible way of taking a course without the need to attend traditional lectures at a college or university, with all of the course material being delivered online. Distance learners studying with the University of Sunderland benefit from lectures and support delivered through our Virtual Learning Environment, which is accessible from anywhere in the world.
Learn more about distance learning
If you’re thinking about university, it’s likely that one of the key things on your list is attending Open Days. But what should you look out for on the day? We caught up with Student Ambassador, Maisie Aveston, who tells us how to get the most out of an Open Day.
Find out how to get most out of an Open Day
We offer a range of different Open Days throughout the year at Sunderland, from undergraduate to postgraduate events, and even specialised subject events for applicants. But before you visit us on campus, why not get a feel for the University and what we offer by exploring our Virtual Experience?
Find out more about our Virtual Experience
Explore how and where to find disability support at the University of Sunderland, with the Head of Disability Services, Ben Hodgson.
Explore how and where students can find disability support
We caught up with Environmental Psychologist, Dr Stephanie Wilke, whose research specialisms include how natural environments impact psychological behaviour, health, and wellbeing, for her take on this monumental right of passage.
Read more about moving away from home
When it comes to things to pack for university, strategy and streamlining are key. Here are our top tips for your university packing list.
Learn what to take to university
Are you thinking about postgraduate study but not sure where to begin? To help you get started, here are our top reasons to study a postgraduate degree.
Here's why you should study a postgraduate degree
Are you thinking about postgraduate study, but aren't sure where to begin? It’s important to do your research before applying to university, to work out which course you want to study and where you want to study it. To help you get started, here are some things to consider when choosing a master's degree.
Read our top tips on choosing a master's degree
'MSc' and 'MA' are abbreviations of postgraduate degree qualifications Master of Sciences and Master of Arts. Typically, an MSc covers fields such as sciences, mathematics, medicine, and allied health professions, while an MA is usually in arts, humanities, social sciences, and business-related subjects.
Learn more about postgraduate qualifications
Navigating the student finance process can be complex for both students and their families. This article will explore how household income affects student funding and what parents or partners can do to support a student's application.
Find out how to support a student finance application for parents and partners