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Gender and Sexualities

Gender and Sexualities is a network for staff and students who have research interests in gender and sexuality. We include new and developing researchers as well as experienced academics and other staff who are interested in gender issues. Our inclusivity helps the group adopt a ‘real-world’ approach to much of its activities.


The network has four broad aims:

  • To expand interdisciplinary links across the University amongst staff and students who have an interest in gender and sexuality.

  • To promote an active research culture in the area of gender and sexuality studies.

  • To encourage debates and offer a space in which to exchange ideas.

  • To extend a network between staff and students at the University in the area of gender and sexuality studies.

Who we are

Professor Angela Smith is the main convenor of the SunGen network. She is a Professor of Language and Culture in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries and teaches mainly on BA (Hons) English: Creative and Professional Writing.

Angela specialises in language and gender, both masculinities and femininities, and sexuality. Her research is linked to her teaching, and she has written extensively on the topic of gender.

You can contact Angela for further information or queries about the SunGen network: angela.smith@sunderland.ac.uk.