Health Sciences blogs
Stay up-to-date with research activity in the Health Sciences thematic research area with our blogs from research-active academics and research support staff.
Stay up-to-date with research activity in the Health Sciences thematic research area with our blogs from research-active academics and research support staff.
Expressions of Interest for MRC Equipment funding Medical Research Council (MRC), are pleased to announce the recent launch of their funding opportunity ‘Expression of interest: purchase mid-range equipment for biomedical research: MRC Equip – UKRI’. MRC is inviting Expressions of Interest for an Equipment Funding Opportunity, for items of equipment above £100k. The MRC contribution… Continue reading MRC funding opportunity launch
Read more about MRC funding opportunity launchUnderstanding the impact of working at home during the Covid-19 pandemic on NHS workers is at the centre of funded research by Exercise, Sport & Rehabilitative Therapies academics. Research led by Dr Lisa Board, Principal Lecturer and Team Leader of the Exercise, Sport & Rehabilitative Therapies team, has been awarded £15,000 to examine how changes… Continue reading NHS funding provided to understand the impact of at-home working on the NHS workforce
Read more about NHS funding provided to understand the impact of at-home working on the NHS workforceResearch by our University academics in the Exercise, Sport & Rehabilitative Therapies team and funded by Forces in Mind Trust, found that body image and keeping up with the demands of active duty are the main reasons for using Performance and Image-Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs). The research included a systematic review of international literature, and a… Continue reading Research highlights the use of Performance and Image-Enhancing drugs in Armed Forces veterans
Read more about Research highlights the use of Performance and Image-Enhancing drugs in Armed Forces veteransDr Steven Anderson, Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and Youth Sport, recently presented a research project entitled ‘Graduateness and Sports Coaching: A preliminary study of coaches’ behaviour using the revised Arizona State University observation instrument’ at the INSHS 2021 17th Annual Conference and International Conference of the International Network of Sport and Health Science (St… Continue reading Graduateness and Sports Coaching project presented at INSHS 2021
Read more about Graduateness and Sports Coaching project presented at INSHS 2021The Exercise, Sport & Rehabilitative Therapies team have recently formed a link with the International Network of Sport & Health Science to develop collaborative research with partners around the world. The International Network of Sport & Health Science (INSHS) is a membership-based digital hub to enhance academic internationalisation to create bridges between academics to support… Continue reading International Network of Sport & Health Science collaboration
Read more about International Network of Sport & Health Science collaborationFor the last few years I have undertaken critical research into practices and assumptions around early or “precocious” puberty. Children with early puberty, particularly girls, are sometimes given drugs to prevent further pubertal development. My research challenges the ethics and effectiveness of treating children in this way. Early puberty is also said to occur relatively… Continue reading Early Puberty
Read more about Early PubertyWithin the context of qualitative research and work based research, in particular, I have been lucky enough to work in doctoral education, where challenging personally held assumptions and long held pre-suppositions is an integral part of the research process. There is no such thing as the ‘real world’ since arguably, all of human thinking takes… Continue reading Epistemology, Methodologies and Researcher Positionality in Interdisciplinary Doctoral Research
Read more about Epistemology, Methodologies and Researcher Positionality in Interdisciplinary Doctoral Research