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Professor Lynne McKenna MBE steps down from the University of Sunderland

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Published on 30, July, 2024

Professor Lynne McKenna MBE
Professor Lynne McKenna MBE

Professor Lynne McKenna MBE retires from her role of Academic Dean of the Faculty of Education and Society on Wednesday 31 July 2024, after nine years of outstanding service at the University of Sunderland.

Professor McKenna has worked in higher education at three north-east universities since 1998 in a variety of leadership roles. Following a career in teaching, Lynne’s career in Higher Education began in 1999 at Newcastle University followed by a move to Northumbria University in 2001 where Lynne subsequently held the role of Director of Initial Teacher Training.

She joined the University of Sunderland in August 2015 as Head of the School of Education. In March 2018, Lynne was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Education and Society. Involved in initial and continuing teacher education since 1999, Lynne is recognised as a key proponent of the role higher education institutions play both in the UK and in the International Schools sector. She is a member of The MillionPlus Deans of Education Network, The All Party Parliamentary Group for the Teaching Profession, The University Council for the Education of Teachers, The Chartered College of Teaching, Schools North East and #WomenEd.

Most recently, Lynne has been a member of two DfE Expert Working Groups for the development of International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS), and the development of the pilot inspection framework for iQTS. The PGCE iQTS at the University of Sunderland was recently awarded a rating of 2 by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in their pilot inspection.

She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and in 2020 was named as a leader in the field of innovation on the list of #NorthInnovationWomen. Lynne was awarded an MBE in the Kings first Birthday Honours List in 2023 for services to education.

Lynne’s final Graduation ceremonies as Dean of the Faculty of Education and Society took place on the 12 July.

Last week, staff, friends, the University Executive and colleagues from across the University gathered last week to wish Professor McKenna good luck in her retirement.

Professor Lynne McKenna MBE in a cap and gown at the University's graduation ceremonies

Last week, staff, friends, the University Executive and colleagues from across the University gathered to wish Professor McKenna good luck in her retirement.

She said: “I am proud that my tenure as Dean has been recognised as transformative. Alongside my work in developing our teacher training provision, there have been many innovations in the faculty, including social work degree apprenticeships, teaching apprenticeships, Policing and Investigations, SEND provision and of course the International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS) programme. It has been a huge privilege to contribute to the development of the university. I have enjoyed every aspect of the roles I have undertaken.

"If I was to be asked what I considered my legacy to be, I would hope that people would agree that alongside developing the provision in the faculty, it has been around my leadership and support for staff at every stage of their career. I have taken advantage of every opportunity to champion the University and in particular, I have made it a mission to support, mentor and enable staff from both the academy and the services to achieve their full potential. I am leaving the best job I have ever had.”

University of Sunderland Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Sir David Bell, added: "In the near-decade that she has been here, Professor Lynne McKenna has been an outstanding servant to the University of Sunderland. Through her leadership, our standing in education and social sciences has never been higher.

“Lynne has also been a terrifically loyal ‘corporate citizen’, and someone who has always been committed to the success of the University. She leaves a great legacy upon which we can build for the future.”

Dr Ben Middleton will take over as the faculty's new Academic Dean on 1 August 2024.