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How these international former students took a trip down memory lane decades after graduating

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Published on 25, September, 2024

Graduates talking to academic

Graduates have taken a trip down memory lane from Greece to the University of Sunderland - decades after graduating.

A group of former students who graduated in 2001/2002 have returned to Wearside to relive memories of their time here at the University 22 years later.

The group had a chance to look around St Peter’s campus where they studied, which had only opened 3 years before their enrolment.

Thanasis Paraskevopoulos, who studied Business Studies at the University, said: “It's a truly sweet and emotional experience returning to the University after so many years. Walking through the campus again has brought back a flood of memories.

Graduate stood in front of sign

“My time at the University of Sunderland was foundational in so many ways. It wasn’t just about academic learning; it was about personal growth - the education I received opened doors for my career.

“While living and studying in Sunderland, I was surrounded by a diverse mix of people and ideas, and this opened my mind to different cultures and perspectives.

“It taught me independence, critical thinking and how to adapt to new situations - skills that have stayed with me throughout my life.

“The experiences I had and the challenges I overcame, helped me to build my confidence and resilience.”

Graduates filming a robot dog

Since graduating, Thanasis’ career has seen him progress in E-commerce and marketing to reach his current role as Head of Performance Marketing for Eurobank.

Thanasis added: “Since graduating from the University of Sunderland, I have had the opportunity to pursue a fulfilling career. It had its ups and downs, but the trend was upward and still is.

“I had the opportunity to put in practice what I was taught at the University, but more importantly to solve problems, overcome challenges and adapt to new situations, because I learnt how to learn.”

Opportunities like this are organised by the University’s Alumni Association that encourages past students to keep in touch and be a part of the University’s ever-growing community of students past and present.

Graduates stood outside university building

Georgie Cox, Head of Development and Alumni at the University, said: “It’s great to see alumni have such strong links and fond memories of their time in Sunderland and return after all these years. 

“We are always proud to offer the tours around our campuses and show the recent and ongoing developments that have been made since they first studied here.

“It was also fascinating to hear their stories from their time studying in Sunderland and in their professional careers.”

If you are a graduate from the University of Sunderland and want to organise a visit to our campuses, get in touch with our Alumni Association via email: alumni@sunderland.ac.uk