Published on 17 August 2016

One of three single volume Bibles made in the North East the Codex Amiatinus left for Rome in AD716, and while its creator didn’t survive the journey the great book lived on to be given to the Pope, and still resides in Italy to this day.
In the final instalment of the University of Sunderland’s 2016 Community Lecture Series Matthew Storey, who studied monastic history at the Institute for Medieval Studies at Leeds University, will present an insight into the oldest complete Latin Bible in existence.
Marking 1300 years since the last journey, Matthew, who previously held roles at Bede’s World Museum in Jarrow, will reveal how the book was for a long time thought to be the work of Italians, and that its North East origin wasn’t discovered until the 19th century.
Wearmouth-Jarrow was established in the 7th Century and three copies of the Codex Amiatinus were produced in Latin calligraphy at the monastery. It is also believed scholar Venerable Bede was a key author behind the work.
The last remaining version was rediscovered in the monastery of San Salvatore in Italy before it was moved to its current home, the Laurential Library in Florence.
The talk will be held on Wednesday, August 24, at 2.30pm at the Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter’s. Tickets are free and there is no need to book.
The University of Sunderland’s Community Lectures are open to all and each entertaining lecture is given by authoritative speakers between May and August.
Lectures start at 2.30pm and last about one hour. There is no need to book but those attending are asked to arrive at the Prospect Building between 2pm and 2.30pm to register before the lecture begins.
There is (pay) parking in the grounds of the campus and St Peter’s Metro Station is within a few minutes walking distance. Alternatively the regular 700 bus service runs from the Park Lane Bus Station to St. Peter’s Campus itself.
For more information about the 2016 Community Lectures Series contact Leigh Johnson on (0191) 515 3169, or email