Published on 29 May 2018

A feature length documentary by a University of Sunderland graduate is set to get its film premier later this year.
It Is Not One Way examines what happens when three very different people, with opposing beliefs are brought together under one roof.
Digital Film Production graduate David Kenny’s documentary shows how, despite our differences, discussion can always be an alternative.
Now David, founder of Newcastle-based film production company A Kenny Film, has launched a Kickstarter appeal to help raise the final £6,000 needed to get the film into cinemas.
The documentary examines what happens when Newcastle Muslim Labour councillor Dipu Ahad, a high-profile member of the English Defence League (EDL), and a member of ANTIFA, all meet for dinner.
David, of Gateshead, said: “Structurally, it’s a film about three men having a meal and talking, but there is much, much more than that happening.
“With each man representing seemingly opposing factions in a divided UK, we see the opportunity that sitting and talking together brings, opposed to facing one another on the streets”.
Since completing his degree in 2013, David and his partner Doris Lechner have been working on co-producing the film and it is now ready to be rolled out.
The Kickstarter campaign will help support documentary’s promotion with posters, trailers and securing its British Board of Film Classification Rating.
Backers to the campaign can receive a range of benefits for their support – from DVDs to tickets to the film’s premiere which will be held in the North East later this year.

Director David believes that being able to gain the trust of these three very different people is what makes this film unique.
He said: “Rather than have the subjects of the documentary shout or attack one another the production was able to provide a safe environment where they could comfortably and calmly debate their concerns and wildly differing views.”
When asked what he hopes to achieve from the film David added: “It was always our intent to produce an impartial film in which the viewer can make their own conclusions, rather than simply being told who the bad guy is.
“We also want people to feel encouraged to talk, especially with people who they may not necessarily agree with”.
The film has also been endorsed by one of the UK’s largest anti-racism charities Show Racism the Red Card who said that “dialogue is so important if we are to make meaningful progress in the fight against racism, prejudice & hatred”.
Now that the film is completed, David needs to raise the final £6,000 to help with its release.
The deadline for the campaign is Sunday, 17 June.
David added: “It’s really important that we hit our goal. Kickstarter is all or nothing, so if our total raised is £5,999 at 23:55 on that Sunday, then we won’t receive a penny.
“The response so far has been fantastic though, but we still have a way to go.”
If he does receive the backing, the film should make it to cinemas later this year.
Speaking about his time at the University of Sunderland, David said: "It was during my second and third years that I found my passion for documentaries. In my final year, I was part of a team who flew to Kenya to make a documentary called 'Keroche'.
“It was the support I received during my time at the university that allowed me to be the ambitious filmmaker I am today."
To help with the campaign click here.