Published on 08 January 2017

Dr Helen Driscoll, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, will be debating sex and love in the future on one of the most romantic nights of the year.
The Psychology in the Pub event, organised by the North East branch of the British Psychological Society, takes place on Valentine’s Day, February 14, at Independent in Holmside, Sunderland, between 7pm-9pm.
This event is free and open to everyone. No registration required, just turn up on the night.

Dr Driscoll’s teaching and research interests include evolutionary approaches to attractiveness, mate preferences and sexuality.
The psychologist has written several blog posts for The Huffington Post. Her blog piece on relationships with robots received national and international coverage and her views on psychological topics have been featured in The Independent, The Conversation and The Sunday Times.
If you have any queries regarding this event please contact quoting 'NEEB-Future-Of-Sex-Feb17'.
Alternatively telephone during office hours on +44 (0) 116 252 9515 stating the name and date of the event.