Published on 30 November 2022

After 13 years of service to the University of Sunderland, Graeme Thompson, the Pro-Vice Chancellor External Relations, has decided to retire in April 2023.
Over the years, Graeme has given outstanding service to the University, first as Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Design and Media, then as Pro-Vice Chancellor Connections and Place and, for the past three years, as Pro-Vice Chancellor External Relations.
Graeme has also made substantial contributions to the cultural regeneration of Sunderland, for which he was awarded an MBE in 2021.
Graeme said: "I’ve had a wonderful 13 years here in Sunderland and have been privileged to play a role in the development of the University and the transformation of the city.
"I’m looking forward to maintaining my links with Sunderland and the wider north east through my involvement with a number of boards and projects which I’ll be fitting in around grandparent duties."
Professor Jon Timmis, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Commercial), said: “On behalf of the University, I would like to thank Graeme for all that he has done for us.
“His impact has been significant and he has been a genuine pleasure to work with. I am sure that we will have ample opportunity to thank Graeme formally and informally, and properly celebrate his contribution to the University, in the coming months.”