Published on 28 March 2019

An evening of show-stopping song, dance, drama and political debate will be staged by students at a popular Sunderland pub next week.
Karosserie: The Body of Cabaret performed by second year Performing Arts students at the University of Sunderland, takes place at The Peacock in Sunderland City Centre on Thursday, April 4, from 6.30pm.
The show, which includes the customary elements of cabaret from burlesque, Can Can and drag, will tackle issues affecting our current political agenda from Brexit to Donald Trump and his ‘Wall’, it also forms part of the students’ core course module.
Adelle Hulsmeier, Senior Lecturer in Drama and Performing Arts, explained: “Karosserie is based on a form of cabaret set in Weimar Germany, reflecting the political period and was very experimental.
“The students were asked to place that same intent and purpose within what they are trying to achieve with the performance today, and giving a voice to the current political situation. There are elements of controversy that may divide people. It’s also very multi-disciplinary with dance, drama and music, songs, skit poems, burlesque routines, the Can Can and drag.
“It should be a great show and the students have worked incredibly hard to bring all of the elements together.”
Tickets are £3 on entry, doors open at 6.30pm and the show starts at 7pm. Age restricted 16+. For more information go to:
Students have been giving their views on their latest upcoming show.
Jonny Armstrong said: “Having the ultimate creative freedom to choreograph, design and write everything in this show has really sparked everyone’s enthusiasm. To see the pieces come together from the smallest idea in someone’s head is truly inspired.
“The blood, sweat and tears that everyone has exerted throughout the rehearsal period will be evident in each and every single piece. With every performer hoping to invoke laughter reflex and even have the audience leaving thinking about how you can change the world.
Megan Greener added: “I am so excited for everyone to see the hard work everyone has put in to this performance. It’s so different to what we have done before and I am loving every minute of it.”
Sophie Butler commented: “It’s been a learning curve for everyone and definitely pushed some people’s comfort zones! Prepare to be shocked, expect lots of laughter and most of all get ready to be enlightened on our views of the world today. It’s going to be a great evening.”
Caitlin Robson says: “A show packed full of energy with some surprises and controversial themes. The show has been the most freedom I've ever had as a performer and I can't wait to share all our hard work with our audience.”
For more information about the Performing Arts programme click here.