Published on 17 March 2017

Jemma Nelson and Amy Bell beat off competition from other North East universities to compete in the national final of The Client Interviewing Competition - finally coming second, in the words of the judging panel " the narrowest of margins."
The Client Interviewing Competition aims to encourage the promotion and development of the skills involved with client interviewing within an educational context. It is an annual event which focuses on the invaluable skills of interviewing and counselling and centres on a simulated law office interview.
Senior Lecturer in Law Chris Baldwin, coached the regional champions in the national finals. He said: "Amy and Jemma won the right to compete after being crowned North East champions at Northumbria University last month when beating the hosts and a team from Newcastle University.
"The finals today saw the girls competing against nine other teams who won their regional events. I am absolutely delighted, and very proud, to report that they performed magnificently once again and, after a long day of interviewing, finished in second place overall behind only a very strong Plymouth University team. This superb achievement was only tempered by the news afterwards that they had been prevented from winning by a single, solitary point in a competition judged in the hundreds."
Amy and Jemma competed against Derby, Greenwich, Hertfordshire, Hull, Law (Moorgate), Oxford Brookes, Plymouth, Sheffield Hallam and Sussex. Judges said: "Jemma Nelson and Amy Bell from the University of Sunderland were placed second by the narrowest margin possible."
"They performed magnificently once again and were prevented from winning by a solitary point, in a competition judged in the hundreds"Chris Baldwin added: "These girls have represented the University, and themselves, with distinction throughout the competition this year and have helped raise the profile of our Law department at every stage of the competition.
"After the competition today they were approached by a partner at Ashfords who asked for their contact details with regards future job opportunities - he judged one of their interviews today and told the girls that they were the best team he saw. Jemma and Amy have been a credit to themselves and to our University and I am sure you will all join me in offering them every congratulations on their achievement."