Published on 08 September 2023

Ex Sunderland MP Chris Mullin will be discussing his latest diaries with University of Sunderland Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Sir David Bell, at an event in the city next week.
Mr Mullin, who represented the Sunderland South constituency for 23 years, has previously published three volumes of widely acclaimed diaries. The first two were BBC Books of the Week and appeared in the Sunday Times best seller list.
The latest volume, Didn’t You Use to be Chris Mullin? covers the 12 years between his retirement in 2010 and the death of the Queen. In this latest instalment Mr Mullin gives his take on the twelve turbulent years since he left parliament. Rich in anecdote this candidate new volume includes encounters with movers and shakers from all political parties and with citizens from all walks of life, from bin men to dukes.
The free event takes place at Hope Street Xchange, the University of Sunderland's City campus, at 7pm on Thursday 14 September. Register here.
‘He will join Alan Clark in the pantheon of truly great diarists’ - Matthew D’Ancona, Evening Standard
‘Justly celebrated as masterpieces of the genre’ - Raphael Behr, The Guardian
‘One of Mullin’s charms is to like people who don’t echo his politics’ - Jenni Russell, The Sunday Times
‘A treat to be savoured. What is more they are written by a creature that the public does not believe exists. An honest politician’ - Oona King, The Times