Published on 06 July 2021

What a remarkable year to be a trainee paramedic.
Meet the first graduating cohort from the University of Sunderland’s Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care degree.
This team are today’s new lifesavers and they are this week celebrating graduating from the University of Sunderland.
In a year when frontline health workers have been more important than ever, these graduates are more needed than ever, reflecting the University’s aims to deliver job-ready students who can go direct into the community and make a difference.
Mark Willis, Programme Leader for Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care at the University, said: “We could not be prouder of this first graduating cohort.
“Their dedication to education and the paramedic profession, especially during the last 12 months, has been a testament to their individual and collective professionalism and enthusiasm.
“I’m convinced that they all will go on to have bright futures in the profession for many years and we will see them become leaders in their field.”
The graduates will not only work across the North East, but across the whole of the UK.

Adam Stern has already landed his dream job after graduating from the programme. The 25-year-old is now working for South East Coast Ambulance Service.
Adam, who moved from the North East down to Brighton for his new role, said: “The programme was great and gave me the opportunity to integrate the science that I learned with the practical.
Prior to starting the Paramedic Science programme, Adam had studied Pharmacology at Newcastle University.
He added: “I got my new job just as I was leaving the University, so it’s very exciting to be starting.”