Published on 12 November 2018

Cash 4 Calendars, a charity initiative set up by Spark FM, is aiming to provide advent calendars for every child reliant on Sunderland’s foodbanks this Christmas.
The fund-raising drive, in partnership with Sunderland Foodbank and Trussell Trust, hopes to raise upwards of £500 to achieve its goal.
The initiative was conceived by Spark FM presenter, Bethany Ball. Bethany said: “The ultimate goal is to give the hundreds of children who rely on the foodbanks a little piece of Christmas at the beginning of December.
“The foodbanks can only usually provide families with basic needs. To ensure the children enjoy the countdown to Christmas, we want to give them all an advent calendar to enjoy.
“You don’t realise how big of a part of Christmas an advent calendar is until you don’t have one.”
Fund-raising events, such as local music shows, cake sales and the waxing of Spark presenters live on air have already been organised to help meet the target.
Charity tins are on campus and in shops all over Sunderland. There is also a webpage for online donations, accessible here.

Any extra money raised will go into the foodbank to provide families with food for Christmas.
Deadline for donations is Friday, 23 November