Published on 22 April 2024

Students at the University of Sunderland have bagged five prizes at the Student Radio Association Amplify Awards.
The awards recognise those who go above and beyond for their radio stations and cover a range of categories, from most resilient through to best outreach.
Spark, the University’s student-focused community radio station based at the St Peter’s Campus, won the following:
- The Student Radio Resilience Award: Silver – Chrissy Cameron
- Outstanding Contribution: Silver – Isaac Jukes
- Most Supportive University or Student Union: Bronze – YourSU
- Best Training Initiative: Bronze – Bobbi Bunker and Grace McDonough
- Best Outreach Project: Bronze – Mental Health Minute on Friday Hometime
Issac Jukes, who is in his first year studying BA Media Production at the University, said: “It was surreal getting a Silver Amplify Award for Outstanding Contribution.
“I want to thank Spark for giving me a platform to start my journey in radio and student radio, especially for Megan Percival who nominated me.
“I’d sent the nomination that was written up to my mam and she was nearly brought to tears on the amount of praise I received.”
Isaac added: “Next step for me is to make use of the contacts I’ve made at SRA CON and to put in an entry for the SRA awards. This isn’t the last you’ll be hearing of me.”

The awards, which were held in Leeds this year, are part of the larger Student Radio Convention that gives attendees the opportunity to hear from industry experts and learn new techniques.
Lee Hall, Head of Media and Communications at the University of Sunderland, said: “Once again the hard work and talent of our Sparkies has been recognised on a national platform. The fact industry professionals endorse the output and the efforts of the winners makes these awards particularly gratifying.
“Congratulations to those honoured on the night, but also to everyone who makes Spark what it is - an inclusive, dynamic and rewarding space for students and community volunteers.
“Spark not only enriches the experience of studying at Sunderland, it has also launched great careers. And I'm sure the winners will go on to great things.
“Shout out to Scott McGerty, Dr Richard Berry and hero of the moment Grace McDonough who keep the Spark on air and in the spotlight.”
If you are interested in studying BA Media Production at the University of Sunderland, find out more here: