Published on 21 February 2018

Phil Bishop, Professor of Exercise Physiology in the College of Education at the University of Alabama who has previously worked with US Navy, NASA and the UK fire service, will be giving his talk: Protective Clothing and the micro-environment, on Wednesday February 28, at noon, Gateway Room 1, at the University’s City campus.
In all clothing, but especially protective clothing, the micro-environment (micro-E) is the most important environment for user safety and comfort. With increasing use of wearable measurement devices, the aim is to make clothing safer, more comfortable and workers and sports people more productive.
The seminar will discuss the micro-environment, innovation in wearables and key opportunities for innovative thinking and research.

Dr David Archer, Sport and Exercise Physiologist in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences says: "We are very privileged to have such a renowned expert in the field as Professor Bishop coming to speak on an area which is rapidly developing and vitally important in both occupational and sporting environments."
Prof Bishop has been a visiting scientist for NASA, US Military Academy, Swedish National Winter-Sport Centre, Fulbright Fellow at the University of Botswana. He has provided consultancy to Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes for Health, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, The International Standards Organization and UK Fire Services.