Published on 25 November 2019

A £100m deal between Legal & General and the City Council is set to transform Sunderland's city centre.
An extensive masterplan for the former Vaux Brewery site includes up to 300,000sq ft of newly-built Grade A office space and a new City Hall. Artist impressions for the site show a completely reimagined riverside, with commercial and housing developments - all located between our City and Sir Tom Cowie campuses.
University of Sunderland's Vice-Chancellor, Sir David Bell, said: “I welcome this announcement. It is highly significant, and hugely positive for Sunderland.
“The recent run of great announcements about the city centre are creating a very positive buzz. From the development of the auditorium to the 300 new jobs being created on the former Vaux Brewery site, Sunderland really feels like a place to do business. Add to that the university’s own investment in a medical school, the plan to connect both sides of the Wear with a pedestrian footbridge, and major development around Sheepfolds and the riverside to the south, then you see a totally different place emerging. In summary, a larger, more dynamic city centre where people can live, work, study and play.
“Sunderland needs a strong, vibrant university in order to be a successful city, and the university needs a strong, vibrant Sunderland to be an attractive destination for students and staff – there is no doubt, we are mutually dependent."
James Ramsbotham, chief executive of the North East England Chamber of Commerce and honorary graduate of our University, said: “We, in the North East, know all of Sunderland’s merits, but to attract investment on this scale today shows that the message is permeating beyond the region.
“We’re thrilled to see yet-more positivity surrounding the former Vaux site in Sunderland – it is clear that there is quite a buzz about this part of Sunderland, and that’s translating into major investment announcements that will not only boost the city but will boost the entire region.”
Chief Executive of Sunderland City Council, Patrick Melia, said: “This announcement is the single most significant investment story to come out of Sunderland for decades. We are absolutely delighted that the vision we have created for this city is attracting the enthusiasm, support and most importantly financial backing of one of the world’s most significant investors.”
Council leaders have promised there is more exciting news in the pipeline, as work moves apace on a £1.5bn programme of transformation across Sunderland.