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What safeguarding, security and safety measures are in place?

Home / Help and advice / Support / St Mary's Childcare Centre / What security and safety measures are in place?

Safeguarding children

We follow guidelines set down by EYFS, Ofsted, and the Local Safeguarding Children Board. We have a legal duty to act upon any concerns, disclosures, or allegations of abuse. The Childcare Centre has a designated person and deputy who can provide further information on policies and procedures as required. All staff have completed core level 2 training in safeguarding children.


Children’s documentation will only be accessible to those involved in the day-to-day care of the child and their parents/carer with the exception of safeguarding concerns, which we are duty-bound to pass on to relevant agencies.


Only current staff can access the Childcare Centre. All parents and visitors need to ring the doorbell for a member of staff to let them into the building.

Accident procedures

Staff hold a range of certificates including First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid. Parents will be informed of all accidents and treatment given, which will be identified on individual accident sheets for parents to sign.

Medication policy

We have a no-medication policy and can only administer emergency and long-term medication, for example, asthma. When prescribed antibiotics, the first day’s dosage must be given at home.

Infection control

Parents must be aware of our obligation to minimise the transmission of communicable diseases and will be provided with information for reference. Children who are unwell and need one-to-one care must not be brought to the nursery.

Published: 31 May 2024