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Home / Help and advice / School of Medicine / Interviews
  1. Where and when will interviews take place?

    Interviews will take place face-to-face in the School of Medicine, Murray Health building, during December and the early January.

  2. I have been invited to attend a Multiple Mini Interview but am unable to attend on the date specified. What should I do?

    Applicants are required to be available throughout the interview period. If you are unable to attend on the date requested you must contact the Medical Admissions Office as a matter of urgency. We cannot guarantee an alternative time slot will be available.

  3. What does an on campus interview consist of?

    Our interviews follow a multiple mini-interview (MMI) format, where candidates complete a series of short interview stations.

  4. What happens after my interview?

    After all interviews for the academic cycle have concluded, candidates' performances will be ranked. Offers for a place in our medicine program will be made based on your position in the ranking.

  5. What is the interview selection tool?

    The interview selection tool (IST) is an online questionnaire used as part of our shortlisting process to determine eligibility for interview.