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The ceremony is a celebration of all of our graduating students' achievements – a truly unforgettable day. Students and their guests visit the Stadium of Light for the ceremony as students receive their awards.

Watch our graduation ceremonies live

Past graduation ceremonies

we are sun

Past graduation ceremonies

we are sun

Anyone unable to live stream the graduation ceremonies they will be availble on demand here.

You can view past 2024 graduations here.

Crowd of graduates at the Stadium of Light

Your graduation

Your graduation ceremony marks the culmination of all your hard work as you are formally presented with your certificates and awards.

The ceremony is a celebration of all of our graduating students’ achievements and we aim to make it an unforgettable day for you and your family.

Graduation ceremonies are held in the magnificent Stadium of Light. Summer ceremonies take place outside in the West Stand, while winter ceremonies are a more intimate affair, taking place indoors inside one of the ground’s many suites.

All ceremonies are presided over by the University Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. They follow the procession party out at the start of each ceremony and personally congratulate every graduation student on the stage.

Once you graduate you automatically become a member of the University’s Alumni Association and will have access to a whole range of benefits and services. Join our online community.

Girl in graduation cap and gown


Winter 2024 ceremonies

Winter Graduation ceremonies will take place at the Stadium of Light between Monday 25 November and Friday 29 November 2024.

View the dates and times of each ceremony.

A female graduate smiling

StageClip – your special moment

StageClip is a new service that captures a video of the moment you cross the stage and receive your award. Your personalised video will feature your name, graduation date and degree award.

You'll be able to download the clip to your mobile device and share it to your favourite social networks. Keep an eye out for an email after your ceremony – this email notifies you when your clip is available and will contain a link to download it.