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Bits & Bobs

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Explore the structure, function, development, history & significance of the bits and bobs that make up our genitourinary & pelvic anatomy!

Learn about the anatomy of sex from experts based at the University of Sunderland and Newcastle University in a fun, relaxed and inclusive environment.

You will find a range of interactive stations and activities and there are some talks to take part in too. These stations include, but are not limited to:

  • The Psychology of Sex - An interactive station based on the evolution of mating preferences and sex differences in mating behaviours.
  • Menstruation and Menopause Station - Follow the pathway of a human egg cell and learn about the structures it will pass through on its way to fertilisation or menstruation and what happens during menopause.
  • Hips Don’t Lie - We can learn so much from the size and shape of the pelvic bones. Through various interactive activities you will investigate the secrets the pelvic bones can hold, including how they have evolved over time and how they vary between people.
  • The Big O: Muscles Behind the Magic - Explore the anatomy of pleasure with our expert guides as they explain the muscles that contribute to sexual response and climax.

This event is one in a series of events taking place at the Fire Station as part of World Anatomy Day.

This event is for those 18 plus. Please bring ID if you are lucky enough to look under 21.