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Dr Robin Finlay

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Partnerships Manager and Research Associate, Institute for Economic and Social Inclusion

I am a Social Science Researcher, specialising in human geography and sociology. My research is broadly concerned with lived diversity, socio-cultural inequalities, and place. As a Partnerships Manager and Research Associate at the Institute for Economic and Social Inclusion, I contribute to interdisciplinary research in various areas related to economic and social inclusion.

Before the University of Sunderland, I worked as a Lecturer in Human Geography at Durham University, contributing to research and teaching. Additionally, I worked as a Co-Investigator (Co-I) and research associate (RA) on various grant-funded research projects in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University and LSE Cities, London School of Economics.

I also have policy-oriented research experience as a quantitative research officer in the Migration and Borders Analysis team at the Home Office in London.


My research is broadly concerned with the complexities and intersections of lived diversity, socio-cultural inequalities, and place and has four core strands: 

1) Diaspora and cities.
2) Migration, asylum seekers, and refugees. 
3) Urban multiculture, racism, and Islamophobia.
4) Youth marginality and precarity. 

Current and recent research projects include an examination of the impacts of Covid-19 and lockdown on asylum seekers and refugees in the UK, which was supported by a UKRI Covid-19 grant (Co-I), an interdisciplinary project Refugee Youth and Public Space, supported by the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA), and a project examining Muslim youth and political participation in Scotland. 

A list of my publications can be found on Google Scholar.


Number of items: 22.


Benwell, M, Hopkins, P and Finlay, Robin (2023) The slow violence of austerity politics and the UK’s ‘hostile environment’: Examining the responses of third sector organisations supporting people seeking asylum. Geoforum, 145. pp. 211-9. ISSN 0016-7185

Benwell, M, Hopkins, P and Finlay, Robin (2023) The slow violence of austerity politics and the UK’s ‘hostile environment’: Examining the responses of third sector organisations supporting people seeking asylum. Geoforum, 145. p. 211. ISSN 0016-7185

De Backer, Mattias, Felten, Pascale, Kirndörfer, Elisabeth, Kox, Mieke and Finlay, Robin (2022) ‘Their lives are even more on hold now’: migrants’ experiences of waiting and immobility during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social and Cultural Geography, 24 (10). ISSN 1470-1197

Finlay, Robin (2021) Entangled histories of place and reconfigurations of diasporic home: Al-Andalus history and the Moroccan diaspora in Granada, Spain. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47 (3). pp. 604-617. ISSN 0020-2754

Finlay, R and Hopkins, P (2019) Young Muslim women's political participation in Scotland: Exploring the intersections of gender, religion, class and place. Political Geography, 74. p. 211. ISSN 0962-6298

Finlay, R and Hopkins, P (2019) Resistance and marginalisation: Islamophobia and the political participation of young Muslims in Scotland. Social and Cultural Geography, 21 (4). pp. 546-568. ISSN 1464-9365

Finlay, Robin, Nayak, A, Benwell, M, Hopkins, P, Pande, R and Richardson, M (2019) Race, Place and Young People in the Age of Brexit. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2399-6544

Finlay, Robin (2017) A diasporic right to the city: the production of a Moroccan diaspora space in Granada, Spain. Social and Cultural Geography, 20 (6). pp. 785-805. ISSN 1464-9365

Bos, D, Finlay, Robin, Lloyd, J and Richardson, M (2016) Reflections on the ESRC Internship Scheme for Postgraduates. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 41 (1). pp. 106-118.

Hall, S, King, J and Finlay, R (2016) Migrant infrastructure: Transaction economies in Birmingham and Leicester, UK. Urban Studies, 54 (6). ISSN 0042-0980

Hall, S, King, J and Finlay, R (2015) Envisioning Migration: Drawing the Infrastructure of Stapleton Road, Bristol. New Diversities, 17 (2). pp. 211-72. ISSN 2199-8108

Book Section

Finlay, Robin and Hopkins, Peter (2024) Spatialising Islamophobia: responding to and resisting anti-Muslim racism in Scotland. In: Routledge Handbook of Gendered Islamophobia. Routledge, London, pp. 239-254.

Hopkins, P and Finlay, Robin (2023) Politics, institutions, and place. In: The Routledge Handbook of Methdologies in Human Geography. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 339-347.

Thomson, M and Finlay, Robin (2020) Migration and Diaspora. In: Social Geographies: An introduction. Rowman & Littlefield, London, pp. 270-279. ISBN 9781786612304

Najib, K and Finlay, Robin (2020) Religion. In: Social Geographies: An introduction. Rowman & Littlefield, London, pp. 143-151. ISBN 9781786612304

Finlay, Robin, Hopkins, P and Sanghera, G (2017) Young Muslims’ political interests and political participations in Scotland. In: Scotland's Muslims: Society, Politics and Identity. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 78-97. ISBN 978-1-4744-2725-8

Hall, S, Finlay, Robin and King, J (2017) The Migrant Street. In: The Sage Handbook of the 21st Century City. Sage, London. ISBN 9781473907560

Finlay, Robin (2015) Narratives of belonging: The Moroccan diaspora in Granada, Spain. In: Dismantling diasporas: rethinking the geographies of diasporic identity, connection and development. Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey.

Reports, briefing/ working papers

White, Joel, Finlay, Robin and Hopkins, Peter (2024) Young Muslims in Scotland: Politics, Racism, and the Media. Project Report. Newcastle University.

Finlay, Robin, Hopkins, P, Kirndörfer, E, Kox, M, Huizinga, R, De Backer, M, Benwell, M C, Van Liempt, I, Hörschelmann, K, Felten, P, Bastian, J M and Bousetta, H (2022) Young refugees and public space. Project Report. Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Finlay, Robin, Hopkins, P and Benwell, M (2021) “It’s like rubbing salt on the wound”: the impacts of Covid-19 and lockdown on asylum seekers and refugees. Project Report. Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne.


De Backer, M, Hopkins, P, Van Liempt, I, Finlay, R, Kirndorfer, E, Kox, M, Benwell, M and Horschelmann, K (2023) Refugee Youth: Migration, Justice and Urban Space. Bristol University Press, Bristol. ISBN 978-1529221008

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Last updated 06 September 2024