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Dr Kim Gilligan

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Principal Lecturer in Teaching and Learning

I am Principal Lecturer in Teaching and Learning. 

I support teaching and learning across the University through working with the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT).

Before joining the University in 2004, I taught in primary schools across Sunderland and Washington. I taught all years in primary education phases including early years. I love teaching and specialised in mathematics before doing a master's in Children's Literature which led to me leading literacy here within the teacher education courses.

I teach here with the same passion that I had when teaching in schools. I specifically enjoy looking at areas like critical thinking and academic literacies.

Teaching and supervision

I currently teach critical reflection on the Professional Doctorate and MA Education in mentoring and coaching, research methods as well as teaching and learning. I enjoy teaching immensely and enjoy the thrill of seeing students develop through effective teaching and learning strategies. 

Research interests for potential research students

I supervise undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations as well as Professional Doctorates and PhDs in a wide range of areas but mostly in critical theory, teaching and learning and social justice.


My PhD lies in the areas between gender, social class and culture. My current research is in teaching and learning in HE, social justice, social class and gender. I like to bring together areas of research and practice so there can be benefits combined from both.

My research interests grow as I am involved more in teaching and learning activities across the University. I am particularly interested in the use of visual resources to stimulate critical thinking.


Number of items: 4.


Murphy, Denis, Gilligan, Kim and Watson, Derek (2021) From the community handywomen to frontline heroes: Charting a century of Irish nursing and midwifery regulation. Journal of the Institute of Public Administration of Ireland, 69 (3). pp. 19-43. ISSN 2449-9471

Conference or Workshop Item

Hayes, Catherine, Barkas, Linda Anne, Fulton, John and Gilligan, Kim (2022) Autobiography versus Autoethnography as Praxis Based Methodologies. In: 8th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates, March 30th - 31st 2023, York Racecourse.

Gilligan, Kim (2012) Identity and Subjectivity in an age of neoliberal political agendas: Who belongs. In: The Child and the Book Conference - Towards common ground: Philosophical Approaches to children's literature., 30 Mar - 1 Apr 2012, Cambridge University. (Unpublished)

Gilligan, Kim (2009) Globalisation in teenage fiction texts. In: Children’s Literature and Cultural Diversity in the Past and the Present.19th Biennial Congress of IRSCL Institut fur jugendbuchforschung, 8 - 12 Aug 2009, Goethe Universistat Frankfurt. (Unpublished)

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I have expertise in the areas of teaching and learning particularly critical and alternative pedagogies. I have experience and research interests in equality and diversity and social justice.

Last updated 10 October 2024