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Matthew Lee

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Deputy Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in CPD

I am a registered Adult Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) with experience working clinically in operating theatres in both orthopaedic trauma and high-risk elective procedures. I have experience of service improvement projects including improving theatre flow and efficiency and waste reduction. I was responsible for facilitating effective perioperative warming to reduce the impacts of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia.

I achieved a BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies (Adult) from Northumbria University achieving registration with the NMC. I then completed a PGCE HE from the University of Sunderland as well as achieving Fellowship with AdvanceHE. Then I completed an MSc Advancing Practice from the University of Stirling which allowed for exploration of topics such as Psychological Trauma and Research Methods. With the MSc Advancing Practice, I conducted my dissertation on the comparison of sociocultural factors in undergraduate nurse education in the UK and Aotearoa New Zealand. I have now achieved Senior Fellowship with AdvanceHE.

Teaching and supervision

I am Programme Leader/module leader for Practice Assessor Conversion Masterclass and Deputy Programme Leader for BSc (Hons) Nursing (Top Up). I am also module leader for several modules both on campus and with our Sunderland Online delivery platform.

I am module leader for:

  • BSc Nursing (Top Up): NRS306 Equality, Diversity, Ethics, and the Law in the Healthcare
  • BSc Nursing (Top Up) – Sunderland Online: HNU303 Practice Based Evidence – Evidence-Based Practice

I also provide dissertation supervision at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels for the NRS303 Research Proposal and HSSM75 Dissertation Project.

Research interests for potential research students

My research interests include 'race' and ethnicity, equality diversity and inclusion and intersectionality. I am also interested in international nurse education, service improvement and innovation within healthcare, psychological trauma and interprofessional learning.


My research while in practice focused on service improvement specifically cost efficiency improvement projects with operating theatres. Whereas my research focus know encompasses different aspects of 'race' and ethnicity, equality, diversity and inclusion and health inequalities


Number of items: 27.


Lee, Matthew, Newby, Kate and Lee, Amanda (2023) Nurses with visible tattoos and the issue of stigmatisation by the public. British Journal of Nursing, 32 (20). pp. 1010-1011. ISSN 0966-0461

Lee, Matthew (2021) Is it time to follow suit and agree a surgical tray weight limit in the United Kingdom? Journal of Perioperative Practice. p. 175045892110037. ISSN 2515-7949

Lee, Matthew (2021) Supporting patients whose first language is not English. British Journal of Nursing, 30 (4). p. 208. ISSN 0966-0461

Lee, Matthew (2021) Is it time to end the use of imperial measurements? [Comment]. British Journal of Nursing, 30 (2). p. 90. ISSN 0966-0461

Lee, Matthew (2020) The efficacy of smoke-free sites with little more than signage to instil concordance [Comment]. British Journal of Nursing, 29 (21). pp. 1290-1291. ISSN 0966-0461

Lee, Matthew (2020) Schools of nursing must represent UK diversity in their teaching programmes [Comment]. British Journal of Nursing, 29 (20). pp. 1210-1211. ISSN 0966-0461

Conference or Workshop Item

Widdowfield, M. and Lee, Matthew (2024) Experiences of Decolonising Research Methods in International Nursing. In: The Connected University, 13th November 2024, Three Rivers, The North East Universities Consortium Conference 2024.

Lee, Matthew, Feather, Charlotte, Lee, Amanda, Sohdi, Reece and Widdowfield, M. (2024) Postcoloniality: Using decolonial thought to support and enhance doctoral study. In: Unleashing Potential: Breaking down barriers and bias for racially minoritised postgraduate researchers, 24-25 Oct 2024, Northumbria University. (Submitted)

Lee, Matthew and Widdowfield, M. (2024) Learning from the past to improve the future: Decolonising strategies for research education. In: Decolonising UoS: Breaking Chains, Embracing Change, 25 September 2024, St Peters Campus, Sunderland.

Lee, Matthew and Colman, Mark (2024) Outductions: Bringing together academic and support services to create an enhanced student journey. In: University of Sunderland Centre for Inclusive Learning's Inclusive Learning Festival, 17 Sep 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew (2024) Using Trauma Informed Approaches to support decolonial thought within Higher Education. In: University of Sunderland Centre for Inclusive Learning's Inclusive Learning Festival, 17 Sep 2024, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)

Lee, Matthew and Widdowfield, M. (2024) Decolonising ethical considerations in research. In: Promoting Dialogue and Collaboration: The Intersection of the Medical Humanities and Medical Education, 06 Nov 2024, Hope St Exchange, 1-3 Hind St, Sunderland, SR1 3QD.

Lee, Matthew (2024) Using a trauma informed approach to create culturally safe spaces. In: Promoting Dialogue and Collaboration: The Intersection of the Medical Humanities and Medical Education, 06 Nov 2024, Hope St Exchange, 1-3 Hind St, Sunderland, SR1 3QD.

Lee, Matthew (2024) An exploration of decolonial and indigenous research approaches within doctoral study. In: Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing Postgraduate Research Conference, 23rd July 2024, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)

Lee, Matthew and Phillips, Carrie (2024) Considering researchers positionality to identify opportunities and challenges within their research. In: New Approaches to Managing Emotions in Research symposium, 18 Jul 2024, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)

Lee, Matthew (2024) Cultural Safety. In: Equality and Diversity Staff Training, 20 May and 30 May 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew and Robinson, Gina (2024) Understanding and improving the experience of internationally educated nurses accessing higher education in the United Kingdom (UK). In: RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2024, 10 Sep 2024, Northumbria University , City Campus East 1 (CCE1), Business and Law Building , 12 Falconar Street , Newcastle Upon Tyne , NE2 1XA. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew (2024) Code switching as a means of traversing class boundaries and re-gaining capital. In: Poverty, Class and Education, 14 Jun 2024, Glasgow Caledonian University/Online. (Unpublished)

Ajibade, Benjamin and Lee, Matthew (2024) Empathetic Guidance: An Experiential Reflective Approach to PhD Supervision. In: Empathetic Guidance: An Experiential Reflective Approach to PhD Supervision, 08 May 2024, Online. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew and Newby, Kate (2024) Using privilege to develop allyships beyond existing ‘echo chambers’. In: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2024: The future is now: Building EDI practice for the changing world of HE, 7th Mar 2024, Liverpool.

Lee, Matthew, Robinson, Gina, Clark, Liz, Lee, Amanda and Newby, Kate (2023) Innovating to enhance belonging and student mental health and wellbeing. In: Health and Wellbeing Conference: Partnerships, 15th November 2023, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew, Robinson, Gina and Clark, Liz (2023) What are the barriers or facilitators to how internationally educated nurses connect with student services such as disability and wellbeing? In: Faculty Research Seminar, 3rd November 2023, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew, Lavelle, Kayleigh, Robinson, Gina and Clark, Liz (2023) Digital Divisions: The importance of assessing digital literacy with Internationally Educated Nurses and strategies to help support and develop this. In: Digital Learning Conference, 08 Nov 2023, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew (2023) Mixed-Race: “Why should I care?”. In: Equality and Diversity Staff Training, 18th January and 25th January 2023, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Lee, Matthew (2023) Through the looking glass presumed identity through an intersectional lens. In: LGBTQI+ Multidisciplinary Research Conference: Queer Joy, 4th July 2023, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)

Lee, Matthew (2023) Understanding the impact that socio-cultural components have within an educational setting. In: Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing Postgraduate Research Conference, 26th June 2023, University of Sunderland.

Lee, Matthew (2022) Embedding EDI within an Undergraduate Nursing Programme: An LGBTQ+ perspective. In: Queer Voices – The University of Sunderland’s 2nd Annual LGBTQI+ Multidisciplinary Research Conference, 21st June 2022, University of Sunderland - Online.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 11:32:39 2025 GMT.

My clinical areas of expertise are within the perioperative environment and infection prevention and control (IPC) including hand hygiene and surgical scrub technique. Within the perioperative environment, I have experience of orthopaedic trauma, general, emergency, and high-risk elective operations. I also have experience of cost and service efficiency improvement projects, IPL and interprofessional working (IPW), and EDI within healthcare.

Within higher education, my areas of focus include trauma-informed approaches, decolonial thought, 'race' and ethnicity and EDI.

I am a Registered Adult Nurse (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as well as a Network Member of FUSE and a Fellow with AdvanceHE.

Last updated 27 September 2024