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Munesh Khamuani

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Senior Lecturer in Medical Education

I did my first degree in dentistry at Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine in Karachi, Pakistan. Subsequently, my love and passion for anatomy made me pursue an MSc in Human Anatomy at the University of Edinburgh.

Following my master's, I worked as an Anatomy Demonstrator at the University of Birmingham where my role involved teaching anatomy, histology, and neuroanatomy to medical and dental students. Before joining the University of Sunderland, I undertook an MMedSci in Medical Education at the University of Nottingham.

Teaching and supervision

My experience in higher/medical education started with the teaching of anatomy to undergraduate medical students in both small and large groups during my MSc in Edinburgh.

I gained more teaching experience at Birmingham using a wide range of activities and anatomical resources, such as models, prosection specimens, and Anatomage. My teaching approach is based on simplifying complex anatomical terminologies and concepts to make them understandable for students. Additionally, I base my teaching on the prior knowledge and understanding of my students as their existing knowledge would act as an anchor for their new knowledge. 

At Sunderland, I teach histology to Year 1 medical students, and in my previous role, I taught anatomy across Years 1, 2, and 3.

I have recently started as Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and my role is to support the delivery of the course.

Alongside teaching, marking, and providing pastoral support to students, I also supervise those who are undertaking master's projects.  


My research interest spans across exploring students' experiences of learning anatomy and the effectiveness of educational interventions used in anatomy/medical education.

Publication List:
Patera, E., Khamuani, M.P. Animated PowerPoint Videos: An Underutilized Anatomy Educational Tool?. Med.Sci.Educ. 34, 477–483 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-024-02007-x

Donald, E. et al. (2023). Putting the Cart Before the Horse? Developing a Blended Anatomy Curriculum Supplemented by Cadaveric Anatomy. In: Border, S., Rea, P.M., Keenan, I.D. (eds) Biomedical Visualisation. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1421. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30379-1_2 

Eng-Tat, A.Liu, P.R, J.M, C.R.L, S.Lian, W. Q. D.Huppertz, B.Khamuani, M., & Minarcik, J. R. (2023). The challenges of histology educationClinical Anatomy36(2), 308314https://doi.org/10.1002/ca.23989


Number of items: 3.


Patera, Eleni and Khamuani, Munesh Pal (2024) Animated PowerPoint Videos: An Underutilized Anatomy Educational Tool? Medical Science Educator. Not Applicable. ISSN 2156-8650

Eng‐Tat, Ang, Liu, Pai, R, Jitesh, M, Chandrika, R.L, Satish, Lian, Wen Quan Derrick, Huppertz, Berthold, Khamuani, Munesh and Minarcik, John R. (2023) The challenges of histology education. Clinical Anatomy, 36 (2). pp. 308-314. ISSN 0897-3806

Book Section

Donald, E, Dulohery, Kate, Khamuani, Munesh, Miles, H, Nott, J, Patten, Debra and Roberts, A (2023) Putting the Cart Before the Horse? Developing a Blended Anatomy Curriculum Supplemented by Cadaveric Anatomy. In: Biomedical Visualisation. Digital Visualisation in Biomedical Education (16). SPRINGER, pp. 15-35. ISBN 978-3-031-30378-4

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 19:34:46 2025 GMT.
  • Technology-enhanced education
  • Head and neck anatomy
  • Histology
  • Anatomy education
I am a Fellow of Advance Higher Education (FHEA) and also a member of Anatomical Society and ASME.

Last updated 27 June 2024