Head of Undergraduate GP Teaching
I have lived and worked in the north-east all my life, apart from a brief stint working in Kenya as a junior doctor. I graduated with MBBS with Distinction from Newcastle University in 2002 and worked as a junior doctor in various local hospitals, before training as a GP in Northumberland. I qualified in 2007, and gained my MRCGP in 2008. I currently work as a part-time GP in Newcastle upon Tyne in addition to my role in the medical school here at Sunderland.
Having previously worked for the Newcastle University MBBS programme (2008-2017), I have experience in early clinical experience, communication skills teaching, inter-professional learning, and patient and public involvement. I also have a Masters in Clinical Education (MClinEd) (Newcastle University 2014), and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2009).
In the University of Sunderland School of Medicine, I have previously been a Clinical Year Lead and GP Tutor, with responsibility for GP placements in Phase 2 (Years 3 and 4) of MBChB. I now manage the GP Clinical Team and am responsible for GP placements for our students across all years.
Teaching and supervision
Research interests for potential research students
- Role transitions in medical training and careers
- Inter-professional learning and teaching
- Clinical communication skills
- Shared decision making in clinical practice
My research has centred around improving communication skills in medical practice, through embedding interprofessional learning in undergraduate medical curricula, and by developing skills for shared decision making.
Burke, Mary-Kate and Randles, Elsa (2025) The Perspectives of Veterinary Students with Disabilities, Neurodiversity and/or Chronic Conditions on a Career in Equine Practice- A Qualitative Study. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. ISSN 0748-321X (In Press)
Guilding, Clare, Hardisty, Jessica, Randles, Elsa, Statham, Louise, Green, Alan, Bhudia, Roshni, Thandi, Charan Singh, Teodorczuk, Andrew, Scott, Lesley and Matthan, Joanna (2020) Designing and evaluating an interprofessional education conference approach to antimicrobial education. BMC medical education, 20 (1). p. 360. ISSN 1472-6920
Guilding, Clare, Hardisty, Jessica, Randles, Elsa, Statham, Louise, Green, Alan, Bhudia, Roshni, Thandi, Charan Singh and Matthan, Joanna (2018) Making it work: the feasibility and logistics of delivering large-scale interprofessional education to undergraduate healthcare students in a conference format. Journal of Interprofessional Care. pp. 1-3. ISSN 1356-1820
Conference or Workshop Item
Guilding, Clare, Ball, Steve G, Statham, Louise, Randles, Elsa, Hardisty, Jessica, Green, Alan and Matthan, Joanna (2018) Curriculum development in undergraduate clinical pharmacology. In: WCP2018 (18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology), 01-06 July 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
Hardisty, Jessica, Guidling, Clare, Statham, Louise, Matthan, Jo, Randles, Elsa, Green, Alan, Bhudia, Roshni, Thandi, Charan and Scott, Lesley (2017) Are students accepting of an all-day conference model of interprofessional learning on antimicrobial stewardship and patient safety? In: Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference, 10-11 April 2017, University of Nottingham.
Guilding, Clare, Hardisty, Jessica, Randles, Elsa, Statham, Louise, Green, Alan, Bhudia, Roshni, Thandi, Charan Singh, Teodorczuk, Andrew, Scott, Lesley and Matthan, Joanna (2019) An interprofessional education conference approach to antimicrobial education: a mixed methods evaluation. Research Square.
- Role transitions in medical training and careers
- Interprofessional learning and teaching
- Clinical communication skills
- Shared decision making in clinical practice