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Dr Alexandra Moschovi

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Professor of Photography/Curating, Research Student Manager

I am an academic scholar, art critic, curator, and educator seeking to situate photographic practice within broader art historical, museological, and visual culture debates, combining theory and practice, whereby practice takes the form of curation.

My teaching, research, and curatorial practice have been informed by multidisciplinary studies in the related fields of Photography, Media and Communication Studies (Goldsmiths College), and Art History (Courtauld Institute of Art) and subsequent research and curatorial activity in the areas of Digital Media, Museum and Curating Practice.

Teaching and supervision

As an art historian specialising in lens-based media and curating, I have taught modules in art history, photography, and visual culture studies in different academic institutions in the UK and abroad, including the University of Sunderland, the Courtauld Institute of Art, Newcastle University and the European School of Photography in Athens, Greece.

In my current position as Professor of Photography/Curating in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries, I design, deliver, co-teach, and assess core theory and theory/practice modules across BA (Hons) Photography, Video and Digital Imaging and MA Visual Practice.

I also supervise PhD courses by practice-led research and by existing publication or creative works.

Past PhD students:

  • Dr Mike Golding, Falsifying Evidence, 2008 (second supervisor)
  • Dr Paris Petridis, Notes at the Edge of the Road, 2010 (supervisor)
  • Dr Juliet Chenery-Robson, The Visualisation of the Invisible Illness ME in Contemporary Photographic Practice, 2015, Block Grant AHRC studentship (director of studies)
  • Dr Marialaura Guidini, Curating Web-based Art exhibitions: Mapping their Integration with Offline Formats of Display, 2015, Block Grant AHRC studentship (co-supervisor)
  • Dr Dani Admiss How Could the Tactical Affects of ‘World-building’ in Art and Design Inform Critical Curatorial Practice?  2019, Block Grant AHRC studentship (co-supervisor)
  • Dr Dawn Bothwell, Regional Intermedia: A Study of the Intermedia Approaches to Curating (1964 -1990) in North East England, 2019, Block Grant AHRC studentship (co-supervisor)
  • Dr Rene Cepeda, Curation and Display of Interactive New Media Art, 2020 (co-supervisor)
  • Dr Xenia Nikolskaya, Representing Egypt's Architectural Heritage, 2020 (director of studies)
  • Stamatis Schizakis, Plugged In: The Introduction of New Media Practices in Greece, 2022 (director of studies)
  • Katrina Sluis, Curating the Photographic Image in Network Culture, 2022 (director of studies)

Current PhD students:

  • Georgia Smithson, New Collecting and Distribution Models for Contemporary Media Art, AHRC NPIF studentship, start 2017 (director of studies since 2022)
  • Janine Sykes, Rethinking Curation as Blended Practice, Block Grant AHRC studentship, start 2017 (director of studies since 2022)
  • Matthew Gansallo, Digital and Traditional Art curatorial Practice: Connectivity and Distribution in Post Colonial Museums/Art Galleries in West Africa and Europe, Block Grant AHRC studentship (director of studies since 2022)
  • Benjamin James, Parafactual Artist Film: Extending the Curatorial through Filmic Processes, Block Grant AHRC studentship, start 2019 (director of studies since 2022)
  • Elizabeth Waugh McManus, Developing ‘an Internet of Glass Things’: Glass Artworks as Digitally Communicating Objects (co-supervisor)

Research interests for potential research students

I welcome new doctoral students working in the areas of art history, history and theory of photography, new media, museum and curating studies.


In the past decade, my research has focused on three cross-disciplinary subject areas: the cultural role of the ‘networked image’ as communication and art; the interface of photography and the museum; and the history of modern Greek photography. As writer and curator, I have collaborated with major museums, art galleries, and institutions, in Greece, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and Malaysia.

My research focus:

i)  Digital media and the networked image: My research in this area has focused on photo-sharing and memes, social media activism, and digital archives and has been presented at major international conferences in Europe and the UK. In 2011 I instigated and co-organised the international transdisciplinary conference The Versatile Image: Photography in the Era of Web 2.0 (University of Sunderland)and subsequently co-edited the anthology The Versatile Image: Photography, Digital Technologies and the Internet (Leuven University Press, 2013). More recently, I have collaborated with scholars of postcolonial studies to explore the impact of digital technologies on the ownership and dissemination of colonial archives. This research has been disseminated internationally through collaborative conference papers and formed the basis of an academic session for the ASEASUK conference at SOAS (Sept. 2016), the papers of which are due to be published. 

ii)  The accommodation of photographic arts and amateur practices in the museum: Based on archival research in institutions across Europe and the US, funded by the British Academy, the University of London and Princeton University, my work on the accommodation of photographic arts in the museum charts a still under-researched territory. Parts of this research have been presented internationally in academic conferences, research seminars, multidisciplinary anthologies and journals, in English, Greek, German, and Chinese, and two academic sessions in the Association of Art Historians conferences that I co-convened (2008, 2012). This research developed into the monograph A Gust of Photo-Philia: Photography in the Art Museum, published by Leuven University Press in 2020.

iii) History of 20th century Hellenic photography: I am the co-author of the illustrated history of Greek photography, Greece Through Photographs (Greek 2007/English 2009). This 350-page volume combines the photographic visualisation of modern Greek history with the historisation of Greek photography and is now referenced in photographic syllabi in HE institutions in Greece. In 2008 I was awarded a Stanley J. Seeger Research Fellowship in Hellenic Studies at Princeton University, followed by a Stanley J. Seeger/Princeton University Library grant to complete research on the papers of Alison Frantz. I have also collaborated with the Benaki Museum and the Museum of Photography in Thessaloniki on major exhibitions of photographic representations of postwar Greece. Recent publications of this research include contributions to an anthology of key texts on Greek photography published by the Museum of Photography Thessaloniki, 2014), the publication of the Greek Pavilion for the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2014, and the anthology Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narratives, Materialities, ed. P. Carabott and E. Papargyriou (Ashgate, 2015). I  contribute to the publications of the Association Internationale des Critiques d’ Art (Athens) and have served as a member of the advisory boards of a: contemporary art review (Athens Biennial) and the Journal of Greek Media and Culture.

Recent curatorial projects include the exhibition of contemporary photographic art Realities and Plausibilities (Xippas Gallery, Athens 2009) and the survey exhibition Portrayals of History, Voula Papaioannou – Dimitris Harissiadis 1940-1960 at the Museum of Photography Thessaloniki (2017).

The above-mentioned research has also been presented in invited public talks (Princeton University Library, Photographers’ Gallery, Royal Photographic Society) and articles and interviews in newspapers (Kathimerini, Eleftherotypia, Athens). I often contribute reviews of exhibitions and publications in art journals and photography magazines, namely the Caa review, The Burlington Magazine and Source.


Number of items: 83.


Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2024) Die Umdeutung kolonialer Fotografie. suedostasien, 2024 (3).

Moschovi, Alexandra (2021) The Democratic Picture: Grace McCann Morley and Photography in the San Francisco Museum of Art. The Classic.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2020) Contesting colonial (hi)stories: (Post)colonial imaginings of South East Asia. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 51 (3). ISSN 0022-4634

Moschovi, Alexandra (2016) "Paisajes de crisis y crisis de paisaje" (Landscapes of crisis and the crisis of the landscape). Concreta (8). pp. 16-31. ISSN 2254-9757

Moschovi, Alexandra and Galani, Areti (2013) Other People’s Stories: Bringing Public-Generated Photography into the Contemporary Art Museum. Museum and Society, 11 (2). pp. 172-184. ISSN 1479-8360

Moschovi, Alexandra (2011) Epimelitikes praktikes peri tis fotografias: Ekdoches, synecdoches, symbraxeis ke antipalotites” (Curatorial practices around photography: Approaches, synecdoches, coalitions and animosities). Criticism and Art (4). pp. 114-120.

Book Section

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) HerPhotographies: Towards an Expanded Photographic Field. In: Herstories: Photographic Practices in Greece. MOMus Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki, pp. 116-151. ISBN 9786185426460

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Από το στούντιο στον δρόμο: επαναξιολογώντας τη σειρά της Νέλλης Easter Parade (From the Studio to the Street: Re-interpreting Nelly’s Series Easter Parade). In: Nelly's: Αναγνώσεις του έργου της (Nelly's: Readings of her Work). Benaki Museum, Athens, pp. 402-439. ISBN 978-960-476-315-3

Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) Photography and the Art Museum. In: Encyclopedia of Visual Culture, Digitisations, Transformations, and Futures. Bloomsbury Academic, Visual Arts, London. (Submitted)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) Memes and Memeification. In: Encyclopedia of Visual Culture, Digitisations, Transformations, and Futures. Bloomsbury Academic, Visual Arts, London. (Submitted)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) Intermedia Pictures. In: Not a Photography Collection. Zeppos and Yannopoulos, Athens, pp. 12-15.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) From the Studio to the Street. In: N E L LY'S Το έργο της φωτογράφου Έλλης Σουγιουλτζόγλου-Σεραϊδάρη 1899-1998. Benaki Museum, Αthens, p. 402.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2022) The Persistence of Vision. In: In the same Space. National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, pp. 20-26. ISBN 978-618-5507-07-7

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2019) Cultural Antinomies, Creative Complicities: Agan Harahap’s Digital Hoaxes. In: The Routledge International Handbook in New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites. Routledge, London/New York, pp. 227-240. ISBN 9781138581296

Moschovi, Alexandra (2018) Typologies of Labour: An Archaeology. In: Capitalist Realism: Future Perfect/Past Continuous. University of Macedonia Press, Thessaloniki, pp. 42-55. ISBN 9786185196356

Moschovi, Alexandra (2016) Photography at the University of Sunderland: In conversation with Yining He. In: Photography in the British Classroom. Coastline Series . Nationality Photographic Art Publishing House, Beijing, pp. 110-115. ISBN 9787512208094

Moschovi, Alexandra (2016) 'So sachich, dass sie fast funktional zu nennen ist'. Die Neukonstituierung der dokumentarischen Fotografie als Kunst im Museum of Modern Art ('So factual that it may almost be called functional': The Refashioning of the Photographic Document as Art at the Museum of Modern Art). In: Ortsbestimmungen: Das Dokumentarische zwischen Kino und Kunst (Texte zum Dokumentarfilm). Texts on Documentary Film . Verlag Vorwerk 8, Berlin, pp. 70-93. ISBN 9783940384805

Moschovi, Alexandra (2015) Greece as photograph: histories, photographies, theories. In: Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narratives, Materialities. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781472424761

Galani, Areti and Moschovi, Alexandra (2015) Other People’s (Hi)stories: Bringing Public-Generated Photography into the Contemporary Museum. In: PHOTOGRAPHY, HISTORY, DIFFERENCE. Interfaces series . Dartmouth College Press, University Press of New England (UPNE), under review, Darmouth, New England. (Submitted)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2015) This is Greece: Visualizing Greekness. In: TOURISM LANDSCAPES Remaking Greece (2nd Edition). Domes, Athens. ISBN 9789608963351

Moschovi, Alexandra (2014) This is Greece: Visualising Greekness in the Work of Nelly's and Voula Papaioannou. (Greek/English). In: Tourism Landscapes: Remaking Greece, 14th International Architectural Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Greek Participation. Domes Publishing, Venice/Athens, pp. 234-244. ISBN 9789608963351

Plouviez, Arabella, Mckay, Carol and Moschovi, Alexandra (2013) Connected. In: Versatile Image. University of Leiden Press, Netherlands.

Mckay, Carol, Plouviez, Arabella and Moschovi, Alexandra (2013) Are We All Photographers Now? Exhibiting and Commissioning Photography in the Age of Web 2.0. In: The Versatile Image. Leurven University PRess, pp. 127-146. ISBN 9789058679758

Moschovi, Alexandra (2013) "Apo tin Anaparastasi tis Politikis stin Politiki tis Anaparastasis: Zitimata Ethnikis Tautotitas ke Oumanistika Ideodi stin Elliniki Fotografia apo ton Mesopolemo mexri Simera" (From the Politics of Representation to the Representation of Politics: Issues of National Identity and Humanist Ideals in Greek Photography from the Interwar Years to the Present). In: I Elleniki Fotografia ke i Fotografia stin Ellada: An Anthology of Texts (Hellenic Photography and Photography in Greece: An Anthology of Texts). Nefeli Publishing / Museum of Photography Thessaloniki, Athens/Thessaloniki, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2013) “Pragmatikotites kai Pithanotites: To Authentiko Plasto? Anaparastaseis tou Pragmatikou se Fotografikes Istories” (Realities and Plausibilities: The Authentic fake? Representations of the Real in Photographic Histories). In: I Elleniki Fotografia ke i Fotografia stin Ellada: An Anthology of Texts (Hellenic Photography and Photography in Greece: An Anthology of Texts). Nefeli Publishing / Museum of Photography Thessaloniki.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2013) "To Varos tis Autognosias" (The Burden of Self-consciousness). In: :I Elleniki Fotografia ke i Fotografia stin Ellada: An Anthology of Texts (Hellenic Photography and Photography in Greece: An Anthology of Texts). Nefeli Publishing / Museum of Photography Thessaloniki, Athens/Thessaloniki, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Kokkinias, Panos (2012) Panos Kokkinias in conversation with Alexandra Moschovi. In: Panos Kokkinias: Here We Are. Powerhouse, New York City, pp. 122-127. ISBN 978-1-576787-574-2

Moschovi, Alexandra (2011) “The Authentic Snap? D.I.Y. Reporting in the Age of ‘We Media’”. In: Visual Conflicts: On the Formation of Political Memory in the History of Art and Visual Cultures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 187-204. ISBN 978-1-4438-3172-7

Moschovi, Alexandra and Galani, Areti (2010) “Trans/forming Museum Narratives: The Accommodation of Photography 2.0 in Contemporary Exhibitions”. In: Transforming Culture in the Digital Age: International Conference in Tartu, 14-16 April 2010. Estonian National Museum, Estonian Literary Museum, University of Tartu, Tartu, pp. 187-193. ISBN 978-9949-417-59-9

Moschovi, Alexandra (2010) “Re-Imag(in)ing Arcadia: British Intervention in the Post-War Reconstruction of Greece, c. 1945-1946”. In: Greece and Britain since 1945. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 61-97. ISBN 978-144-381-962-6

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) "I Apli ke Anotheftos Fotografia" (The pure and unadulterated photography". In: Fotografikon Praktorion "D.A. Harissiadis" (Photographic Agency D.A. Harissiadis). Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece, pp. 23-34. ISBN 978-960-476-023-7

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) 'Introduction' Airs, Waters, Places. In: UNSPECIFIED Doukas, Athens.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2008) Stories of Displacement. In: Pavlos Kozalidis: Searching for a Lost Homeland. Benaki Museum, Athens, pp. 101-106.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2008) “Changing Places: The Rebranding of Photography as Contemporary Art”. In: Photography between Poetry and Politics: The Critical Position of the Photographic Medium in Contemporary Art. Leuver Gevaert (7). Leuven University Press/Cornell University Publications, Leuven, pp. 143-155. ISBN 978-9058676641

Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) Photography, Photographies and the Photographic: Between Images, Media, Contexts. In: The Athens Effect: Photographic Images in Contemporary Art. Futura, Fondazione Mudima, Athens, pp. 13-22. ISBN 9606654281

Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) Distance and Proximity. In: Work. National Gallery of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 24-33. ISBN 9789833497188

Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) Photographie, photographies et le photographique: entre images, moyens d'expression et contextes. In: The Athens Effect: L'image photographique dans l'Art contemporain. Futura; Hellenic Cultural Organisation; Maison Europeenne de la photographie, Athens, pp. 13-22. ISBN 9789608276277

Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) The Face of Labour. In: Changing Faces: Work. Veenman Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 139-149. ISBN 9789086900657

Moschovi, Alexandra (2006) The Museumification of Documentary Photography. In: Shifts: Archives in Dialogue and New Indentities in Documentarism. University of Sunderland and the Centre for Creative Photography Finland, Jyvaskyla, pp. 98-100. ISBN 1873757166

Conference or Workshop Item

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) From the Studio to the Street: Re-interpreting Nelly’s Documentary Practice. In: WOMEN of PHOTOGRAPHY 24-Hour Conference-A-Thon, 08 Mar 2025, Online. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Institutional Dilemmas: Complications, Challenges, and Opportunities. In: Photography and the Museum: Re-evaluating the Past, Capturing the Present, Anticipating the Future, 22-24 Nov 2024, Media Cinema, University of Sunderland.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Photography in the Art Museum: Historical Shifts and Contemporary Challenges, introduction to round table discussion Collecting Photography in Southeast Asian Museums. In: ICAS 13, Crossways of Knowledge, The 13th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Conference and Festival, 28 Jul-1 Aug 2024, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Discursive Encounters: Embracing Photography in the Art Museum. In: Engendering Photography, 19 Aug 2024, National Gallery Singapore.

Moschovi, Alexandra, Fox, Anna and Kapajeva, Maria (2024) Closing Remarks. In: Hidden (Hi)stories: New Perspectives of Women’s Photographies, 17-19 May 2024, MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art- Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Museum Dialogues: An Introduction. In: Museum Dialigues: Problems and Definitions, 22 Mar 2024, Northern Centre of Photography, Online.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) From Photo-phobia to Photo-Philia: Institutionalising Photography in Post-war Britain. In: Photography and the Museum: Processes of and Chances for Institutionalizing the Medium, 01 Dec 2023, Photography Network Online. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) From the Studio to the Street: Re-interpreting Nelly’s series Easter Parade. In: Conference dedicated to the work of photographer Elli Souyoutzoglou-Seraidaris (Nelly’s), 13-14 May 2023, Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece. (Submitted)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2022) A Gust of Photo-Philia: Photography in the Art Museum. In: Faculty of Recorded Media Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, the Indonesia Photography Society and the Indonesian Photography Study Program Association, Indonesia, 21 Jan 2022, Online. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2021) Intersections and Disjunctions: The Institutional Profiles of ‘American’ Photography. In: Making American Photographies: Writing Histories of Photography and the United States, 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2021, Online (Rijkmuseum, the Netherlands).

Moschovi, Alexandra (2021) Introduction. In: SHIFTS: Photography in the 21st Century Museum, 7 July 2021, online, NEPN. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2019) Another Picture: Inclusivity, Difference and Gender Politics at the San Francisco Museum of (Modern) Art. In: Fast Forward: How Women Work, 30 November- 2 December 2019, Tate Modern, London.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2018) Rebranding Photography: The Cultural Value of Photographs in the Art Museum. In: Visual Culture, Visual Research, 31 July 2018, Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Skoufias, Manolis (2017) Redefining photography in the exhibition Portrayals of History. In: Kythera Photographic Encounters Annual Conference, 27 Sep–1 Oct 2017, Kythera, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2017) The (Post)colonial Archive: Re-imag(in)ing Southeast Asia. In: ASEASUK Conference 2016. The (Post)colonial Archive: Re-imag(in)ing Southeast Asia, academic panel in ASEASUK Conference 2016, 16-18 Sep 2016, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2015) Shifting Powers: Digitality, Modularity and (Im)materiality in the 21st Century Post-Colonial Archive. In: Photography in the 21st Century: Art, Philosophy Technique, 5-6 June 2015, Central St. Martins, London.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2015) Re-Visiting the Colonial Archive in the Era of Web 2.0. In: The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage, Europeanna, 29-30 January 2015, CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography, Leuven Belgium.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2012) The Ubiquitous Image: The Novel Cult Value of Public-generated Snaps in the ecosystem of Web 2.0. In: Beyond Representation: Photography, Humans & Computers, 24 - 25 May 2012, Centre for Media & Culture Research, London South Bank University in association with the journal Philosophy of Photography. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra and Galani, Areti (2012) ‘Your Photographs on our Walls’: Public-Generated Photography in Art Exhibitions', conference session. In: 38th Annual AAH Conference & Bookfair, 29 - 31 March 2012, The Open University, Milton Keynes. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2011) Greece as Photograph: Histories, Photographies, Theories. In: Greek (Hi)stories through the Lens: Photographs, Photographers and their Testimonies,, 8-11 June 2011, Safra Lecture Theatre, King's College, London.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2010) "Re-imag(in)ing Arcadia: Representations of Post-War Greece". In: Friends of the Princeton University Library talk, May 2010, Firestone Library, Princeton, U.S.A..

Moschovi, Alexandra (2010) “The Authentic Snap? D.I.Y. Reporting in the Age of We Media”. In: Supplementary Conflicts: Domesticities and Life Histories in Wartime session, 36th AAH Annual Conference 2010, 15 - 17 April 2010, University of Glasgow, Scotland.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2010) Near Documentary: Certainties and Ambiguities. In: 5th National Conference on the History of Greek Photography, Kithira Photographic Encounters, Kithira, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2010) Re-imag(in)ing Arcadia: The Photographic Representation of Relief and Rehabilitation Programmes in Greece, 1944-1946. In: Modern Greek Studies seminar, January 2010, Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) Tales of Urbanity in Contemporary Greek Photography. In: Mapping the City, postgraduate course, 8 - 19 Jun 2009, Hellenic Studies Department, Princeton University, Athens, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) A Sudden Gust of Photophilia?: The Rebranding of Photography in the Museum. In: Modern Greek Studies lecture series, 10 Feb 2009, Hellenic Studies Department, Princeton University, Princeton, U.S.A..

Moschovi, Alexandra and Galani, Areti (2009) “A Democracy of Images? The Accommodation/Assimilation of Amateur Imagery in the Museum”. In: Private Eyes - Amateur Photography and Collective History, 12-13 November 2009, University of Copenhagen. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2008) Tales of Urbanity in Contemporary Greek Photography. In: Modern Greek Studies lecture series, 6 May 2008, Hellenic Studies Department, Princeton University, Princeton, U.S.A.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Memou, Antigoni (2008) Introduction (as co-convenor) of the conference session “Relocations: Photography Within, Across and Outside the Museum since the 1970s”. In: Location: The Museum, the Academy and the Studio, 34th AAH Annual Conference, 2-4 April 2008, Tate Modern and Tate Britain, London. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) The Colour of Politics or the Politics of Colour? The Reinvention of British Documentary Photography in the 1980s. In: Colour Photography: From Autochrome to Cibachrome, 10 Nov 2007, London, UK (Courtauld Institute of Art).

Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) Changing Places: The Rebranding of Photography as Contemporary Art. In: Contestations: 33rd Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians,, 12 - 14 Apr 2007, University of Ulster, Belfast. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2005) Who's afraid of Contemporary Art: The Metamorphosis of Tate Gallery in the Postmodern Period. In: When was Modern Art? A Contemporary Question, 9 Apr 2005, Museum of Modern Art, New York.


Moschovi, Alexandra (2020) A Gust of Photo-Philia: Photography in the Art Museum. Lieven Gevaert Series, 29 . Leuven University Press, Leuven. ISBN 9789462702424

Plouviez, Arabella, Moschovi, Alexandra and Mckay, Carol (2013) The Versatile Image, Photography, Digital Technologies and the Internet. Leuven University Press. ISBN 9789058679758

Kokkinias, Panos, Durand, Regis, Moschovi, Alexandra and Kismaric, Susan (2011) Here we Are. Powerhouse Books. ISBN 978-1-57687-574-2

Moschovi, Alexandra, Tsirgialou, Aliki and Asdrahas, Spyros (2007) I Ellada mesa apo ti Fotografia: 160 Chronia Optikes Martyries (Greece through Photographs: 160 Years of Visual Testimony). Melissa Publishing, Athens Greece. ISBN 978960204816


Moschovi, Alexandra, Katsaridou, Iro, Leopoulou, Areti and Petsini, Penelope (2024) HerStories. Photographic Practices, 1974-2024. 07 May - 15 Sep 2024, MOMus Thessaloniki Museum of Photography and the Experimental Center for the Arts of MOMus.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Skoufias, Manolis (2017) Portrayals of History, Voula Papaioannou – Dimitris Harissiadis 1940-1960, Works from the Benaki Museum Photographic Archives, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography. Portrayals of History, Voula Papaioannou – Dimitris Harissiadis 1940-1960, Works from the Benaki Museum Photographic Archives, 6 Apr - 10 Sep 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) Realities and Plausibilities: Re-enacting Realism in Contemporary Photographic Art, curator Alexandra Moschovi. Realities and Plausibilities: Re-enacting Realism in Contemporary Photographic Art, 15 October-20 December 2009, Galerie Xippas, Athens, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Kechagioglou, Maria Poetics, Materialities, Performances: Greek Photographic Books 2000-2023. 19 Oct - 19 Nov 2023, MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections.


Moschovi, Alexandra (2020) The Accommodation of Photographic Arts in the Art Museum [Research portfolio]. Programme of research.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2020) Digitality and Creative Repurposing: Changing Values of Digital Archives [Research portfolio]. Programme of research.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2020) Perspectives on nationess: Photography as a ‘nation building’ tool [Research Portfolio]. UNSPECIFIED.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2006) Photography, Photographies and the Photographic: Between Media, Images, Media, Contexts. UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 11:46:47 2025 GMT.

  • History and Theory of Photography
  • Post-1945 Art History and Visual Culture 
  • Museum Studies
  • Curating Photography and New Media
  • Digital Communications and Networks
  • Contemporary Photographic Practices
  • Photography Archives
  • Digital Imagery and Networked Images
  • Photographic Practices in the Museum

I am an academic peer reviewer for research applications as member of the AHRC Peer Review College and remote member for the European Research Council, for book proposals (Yale University Press, Berg, Valiz, Bloomsbury, Leuven University Press) and academic papers (Art History journal, Third Text). I currently act as external advisor for the academic journals Rebus and Journal of Greek Media and Culture.

I am Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and also a member of the photography team awarded the Advance HE Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (2017) for work on students' social learning in collaboration with North East Photography Network (NEPN).

Drawing on my interest in digital media, my research in Teaching and Learning focuses on digital literacies for Art and Design students. This has also been informed by my role as a member of the Faculty's Student Success Committee and the Quality Management Sub Committee and the University Student Success Committee.

I am currently a member of the Faculty Research Student Sub-committee and the HEA Accreditation Panel and have recently acted as peer reviewer for the Advance HE scheme National Teaching Fellowship.

Last updated 10 December 2024