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Dr Neil Eliot

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Computing / Neil Eliot

Associate Head of School (Computer Science)

My background is in computing and computer science, and I have a PhD in Computer Science from Northumbria University.

I spent the early part of my career in the NHS as an IT Manager and Director of Informatics and then as an IT Manager in the chemical industry before moving to academia in 1998.

Teaching and supervision

My main area of teaching is cybersecurity and operating systems.


My research is in the field of Swarm Robotics/Swarm Theory focusing on the development of emergent behaviours, novel swarming models, and optimisation of those models.

Some examples of the emergent behaviours are detailed in the videos below:

  • Programming
  • Network operating systems
  • Cybersecurity
  • AI

Last updated 08 July 2024