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Nadia Caney, AFHEA, MBA, BA

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Business and Management / Nadia Caney, AFHEA, MBA, BA

Postgraduate Academic Assistant, Leadership HRM and Enterprise

I graduated from the University of Sunderland in 2015 with my BA in Business and Applied Management. I then went straight onto the MBA Hospitality Management course, graduating in 2016 with Merit. After working in hospitality for nearly ten years in various roles, and as an academic tutor within the Sunderland Business School for a short time, I accepted the position of Postgraduate Academic Assistant within the team of Leadership, HRM and Enterprise in 2023. 

I am currently working on my PhD thesis, centred around the gig economy and creative industries; encapsulating local creative industries and its individuals, within my research.

Teaching and supervision

My teaching interests include Human Resource Management, International Business, Strategic Management and Leadership. 

My past and current teaching experience includes the following modules:

MGT201 Managing Self and Others 
MGT301 Strategic Leadership and Collaboration 
MGT304 Business Consultancy Project
MGTM26 Developing Researching Practitioners 
MGTM16 International Business Management Research Project
PGBM112 Developing the Researching HR Professional 

Last updated 27 January 2025