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Dr Linda Anne Barkas

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Business and Management / Linda Anne Barkas

Senior Lecturer in Business Management

I am a Senior Lecturer in Business Management and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Prior to working in higher education, I had a career in business whereby I gained extensive senior management and directorship experience in private business, working for international companies and also as a business owner. I draw on this background in my teaching and supervision.

Teaching and supervision

I joined the University of Sunderland after working as a freelance teacher and management consultant. I set up my own businesses and worked in administration and senior management in the public and private sectors before retraining as an English as a Second Language Teacher and travelling abroad. This led to a career change into FE for 13 years and then a move into research in HE, where I have gained over 30 years of experience of managing, teaching, supervision, and research.

I am currently a Senior Lecturer in Business Management and Module Leader for PDC513 Research Methods on the Professional Doctorate and DLMM16 Global Integrated Marketing Communications. Previous roles have included Interim Team Leader, Programme Leader for the MBA, and MA International Management, and Centre Leader for three of our partners in Vietnam. I have held a number of different module leadership roles including PGBM141 Leadership and Management Development, and the dissertation on MAIM.

I am Doctor of Studies and co-supervisor for a number of students researching different aspects of higher education policy and practice, business leadership and change, and marketing management. I hold External Examiner positions at other universities.

Research interests for potential research students

I am interested in teaching and learning in higher education. I have supervised research students from different disciplines undertaking a variety of projects from issues in health and safety, management in professions allied to health to managing change in business environments.


My early career research studies were undertaken on issues in SEN and interventionist methods in additional learner support systems in English, Maths, and ESOL, developing into research into teaching and learning in higher education. This research developed into specialist studies of students' learning needs in academic literacy and expanded into my PhD thesis on academic practice in HE.

Post-doctoral research has focused on students' emotional and meta-cognitive learning needs from within a psycho-social framework. Studies have included projects in teaching and learning mathematics, and research methods in business management, engineering, and health-related programmes of study. Current research projects are on issues in inclusion in HE.


Number of items: 11.


Barkas, Linda Anne and Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2021) The price of knowledge and the wisdom of innocence: A difficult journey through the employability discourse in higher education. Industry and Higher Education. 095042222110162. ISSN 2043-6858

Barkas, Linda Anne, Armstrong, Paul-Alan and Bishop, Garry (2020) Is inclusion still an illusion in higher education? exploring the curriculum through the student voice. International Journal of Inclusive Education. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1464-5173

Shah, Raj and Barkas, Linda Anne (2018) Analysing the impact of e-learning technology on students’ engagement, attendance and performance. Research in Learning Technology, 26 (2070). ISSN 2156-7069

Watson, Derek and Barkas, Linda Anne (2018) Building a Business Clinic in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges for students’ skills development. Journal of International Business Education, 13. pp. 237-248. ISSN 1649-4946

Barkas, Linda Anne, Scott, Jonathan, Poppitt, Nicola and Smith, Paul (2017) Tinker, tailor, policy-maker: can the UK government's teaching excellence framework deliver its objectives? Journal of Further and Higher Education. ISSN 0309-877X

Barkas, Linda Anne, Armstrong, Paul-Alan and Bishop, Garrry (2017) What happens when they grow up. Inclusive Education Summit - Australia. (Unpublished)

Barkas, Linda Anne (2011) ‘Teaching’ or ‘support’? The poisoned chalice of the role of Students’ Skills Centres. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 35 (2). pp. 265-286. ISSN 0309-877X

Conference or Workshop Item

Hayes, Catherine, Barkas, Linda Anne, Fulton, John and Gilligan, Kim (2022) Autobiography versus Autoethnography as Praxis Based Methodologies. In: 8th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates, March 30th - 31st 2023, York Racecourse.

Barkas, Linda Anne, Wharton, Karen and Rafferty, Victoria (2016) Function or Purpose? The Chimera of Criticality in Marketing Pedagogy. In: Chartered Marketing Institute, July 2016, Northumbria University. (Unpublished)

Barkas, Linda Anne (2011) 'Engaging engineering students in writing - a road less travelled?'. In: 8th ALDinHE Conference "Engaging Students - Engaging Learning, 18-20 Apr 2011, Queen's University Belfast. (Unpublished)


Barkas, Linda Anne (2011) The Paradox of Skills. Widening Participation, Academic Literacy & Students' Skills Centres. Sense, Rotterdam. ISBN 978-94-6091-398-3

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 21:15:09 2025 BST.
  • Learning and teaching in higher education
  • Inclusive academic practice
  • Health and safety
  • Business management

My other academic qualifications and staff development are in Leadership and Management, Equality and Diversity, Diagnostic Testing, SEN Legislation, Employment, Contract, and HSE Law and Management Accounting.

Conferences and papers from 1985-2016: Consultancies and contributions to numerous publications: reports/papers/consultancy on topical issues in special needs, ESOL, literacy, numeracy, widening participation, skills development, research methods, leadership and management.

Last updated 26 June 2024