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Key initiatives and achievements

This section of the EDI Annual Report 2022-23 explains the many ways that the University of Sunderland has achieved the social responsibility of promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Over the last year, the University of Sunderland has worked hard to raise awareness about equality, diversity and inclusion. Focusing on six key areas, it has been a priority to ensure that our staff and students feel confident and comfortable while attending our institute.

To encourage our staff members, we've introduced our new Inclusion Essentials and Understanding Diversity training programmes. Inclusion Essentials looks at the benefits of being an inclusive organisation, the barriers and challenges faced by minority and marginalised groups in the workplace, and how to create an inclusive working culture. Understanding Diversity focuses on defining diversity and how it relates to the workplace. We've run 59 sessions over the last year, with 943 people attending our training and awareness sessions. 

We also introduced our Cultural Competency toolkit. With the increasing diversity of our staff and students, it allows us to support personal development in order to increase ability to understand and interact effectively with people from other cultures. The toolkit includes video stories from our students and other training resources.

Contact us

We welcome feedback on equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Please contact our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team, inclusion@sunderland.ac.uk or the Students' Union at yoursu@sunderland.ac.uk.